Click “Licenses/Registrations” located at the top of the page. Then, “Apply for a License/Registration," “Prequalified Contractor,” and “Continue Application.”
Select the category(s) for the type of work you want to be prequalified for.
Category A covers Street Terrace permits, limited concrete work, tree pruning, and sewer lateral inspection/cleaning.
Category B covers work performed under a Private Developer Agreement or Public Works contract. This category also requires an AA plan. You can leave the AA Plan number blank on the prequalified contractor application; however, when the application is completed, repeat steps 2 & 3 and select “Affirmative Action Plan –Construction” or “AA Plan Exemption” (if appropriate) to fill out.
Bidders: If applying to bid on a contract, a prequalification application AND an AA Plan application must be submitted by the deadline shown in the bid documents. Both applications must be approved prior to bid opening.
Signature and Witness Forms, Certificate of Insurance Requirement Forms and 11B Bond Forms can be found on the Forms and Resources page.
To add additional categories to your prequalified contractor license, email and include the categories, a resume of projects your company has completed in these categories, and experience record of key personnel to demonstrate expertise.