When the City approves a new private development project or land division, it often includes improvements to the City’s Public Right of way like new street/utility construction, an improved sidewalk, or a new sanitary sewer or water lateral to the site.

A new developer agreement or permit is required for the developer/contractor to install the final improvements. City staff will design the required public improvements in coordination with the developer’s project and design consultants. After the developer agreement is executed, the City then issues the public improvement plan sets for construction.
A critical component of the City of Madison engineering division is review and coordination with private development and construction. The Engineering Division works closely with the City of Madison Development Services Center to review and/or design all public streets, bike paths, sidewalk, stormwater, and sanitary infrastructure associated with new and/or redevelopment. Additionally, the City of Madison Land Records Section reviews and maintains public title and City of Madison records and the associated official mapping in conjunction with new and existing developments.
City-Issued Plans
View all open contracts with private development at the City of Madison.
Developer Agreement Process
Check out what it takes to go through the developer agreement process, included with extra information and resources along with typical timeline information.
Development Services Center
Refer to the City of Madison Planning Madison Development Services Center for related information and applications required for Building Inspection / building plan review, zoning review, site development/redevelopment review and land development / land division review. Many City agencies, including Engineering staff, provide guidance to applicants, review development plans and confirm compliance with the conditions of approval allowing Applicants to obtain any required final approvals for construction of the proposed project.
Digital File Submittals
Requirements for digital mapping files submitted to the Engineering Division.
Parking Lot, Site Plan
Refer to City of Madison Planning parking lot site plans for applications and information specifically required for the development or redevelopment of a site. Engineering staff provide guidance, assistance and technical review and conditions of approval for Parking Lot/Site Plans for all site Engineering related items.
Subdividing Land
In Wisconsin, parcels of land are commonly created by the approval and recording of either a subdivision plat or a Certified Survey Map (CSM). Prior to the approval of all subdivision plats and prior to the approval of some CSMs, a preliminary plat is required to be approved showing the generalized concept for how a subdivision will be laid out (street layouts, lot configurations, open spaces, etc.). In considering approval of a subdivision plat or CSM, the City must determine if the land division complies with all adopted City official plans and the impacts the proposed subdivision will have on the City’s infrastructure and the ability of the City to provide the required municipal services. In most cases, the subdivision of land by final subdivision plat or CSM requires that the subject property be served with a full range of urban services, including public sanitary sewer and water. For more information on the subdivision process in the City of Madison, please see Madison General Ordinances MGO Sec. 16.23. The City of Madison Planning unit offers support and guidance to land subdivision applicants.
Supporting Documents
The Developer Agreement Process paired with the supporting documents will help you get closer to completing the process with the City. From templates, toolkits and more, our list of supporting documents will help you check off each step needed to do work with the City of Madison.