1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

Police Peer Support

Peer Support OfficerEmail
P.O. Brian Vandervestbvandervest@cityofmadison.com
P.O. Jake Renojreno@cityofmadison.com
P.O. Jane Prestonjpreston@cityofmadison.com
P.O. Chanda Dolsencdolsen@cityofmadison.com
Det. Kelly Doughertykdougherty@cityofmadison.com
P.O. Kellen Dzickkdzick@cityofmadison.com
P.O. Michael Eckhardtmeckhardt@cityofmadison.com
P.O. Amber Floresaflores@cityofmadison.com
Det. Zulma Francozfranco@cityofmadison.com
P.O. Gabriel Heckgheck@cityofmadison.com
Inv. Joanna Hollenbackjhollenback@cityofmadison.com
P.O. Hannah Johnsonhmjohnson@cityofmadison.com
Inv. Lindsay Kamnetzlkamnetz@cityofmadison.com
P.O. Matthew Kennymkenny@cityofmadison.com
P.O. Tim Listontliston@cityofmadison.com
Sgt. Justin Nelsenjnelsen@cityofmadison.com
P.O. Alex Pfeilapfeil@cityofmadison.com
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