Whom to Contact?
- Fire protection engineering consultation and plan review, (608) 266-4457, Matt Hamilton
- Administrative support, general info and permit application forms, (608) 261-9690, Tony Li
- Flammable & Combustible Tank Inspection Program, LPG, (608) 261-9842, Amanda Hornung
New Construction
The Fire Protection Engineering Unit´s primary function is to ensure fire safety for the public and our firefighters, and protect property by working with owners, developers, and contractors to meet building and fire code requirements. We provide code consultation, plan review, onsite inspections, and testing of fire protection and life safety systems. We grant permission for occupancy by applying the International Fire Code (IFC), the adopted National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes and standards, State of Wisconsin Administrative Codes and Madison General Ordinances for both new and existing buildings.
Code Consultation
Successful projects are the result of careful planning. The City of Madison Fire Protection Engineering Unit is committed to helping to build a safer Madison. Plan reviewers evaluate fire protection systems during the planning phase of construction. The Fire Protection Engineering Unit works with developers, architects, professional engineers and contractors during the early stages of projects to ensure the safest environment possible and limit construction delays and added costs.
- Fire Access and Hydrant Worksheet
- Equivalency Guide for Code Deficient Fire Apparatus Access
- Certificate of Occupancy Guidelines
Plan Review
The Fire Protection Engineering Unit conducts plan review on the following fire protection systems:
- Fire Sprinkler Systems
- Fire Alarm Systems
- Fire Suppression Systems including:
- Clean Agent Systems
- Carbon Dioxide Systems
- Dry Chemical Systems
- Smoke Control Systems
- Private Fire Service Mains and Fire Hydrant Systems
- Standpipe Systems
- Kitchen Hood Suppression Systems
In addition, the Engineering Unit also reviews the following systems that impact life safety and firefighter operations:
- Fire Apparatus Access and Site plans
- Fire Command Centers
- Electronic Door locking hardware such as:
- Access Controlled
- Delayed egress locks
- Stairway locks
- High-piled Storage