Employee Off-Boarding for Supervisors
Printable Checklist
This checklist is a general outline of what Supervisors need to do to successfully off-board an employee.
How to Transition Employees Smoothly
Employee turnover is an inevitable feature of any workplace - managing these transitions is just as important as onboarding an employee.
What is Off-Boarding?
Off-boarding manages the employee experience at the end of their tenure with the City of Madison. Off-boarding covers all the steps necessary to successfully part ways with an employee following their resignation or termination. By following the Employee Separation Checklist linked above, we can follow a clear off-boarding process to ensure a smooth transition for both the City of Madison and the departing employee.
The exact process you follow will differ based on the employee's position in the City of Madison, and the nature of their departure. Nevertheless, you'll want to be sure to use the checklist regardless of the situation. It includes a laundry list of to-dos for yourself as a Supervisor, your Agency Payroll contact, your HR Business Analyst, and your IT contact during the exit period. By following the steps indicated in the list, items will be less likely to fall through the cracks - diminishing the opportunity for potential security risks, legal threats, or damaging relationships with outgoing employees.
Employee Exit Notification Form
The "Exit Survey" program offers permanent and seasonal employees the opportunity to complete a questionnaire covering their reasons for leaving, their opinions on their last position, and their opinions on working for the City of Madison.
In order to collect as much data as possible from departing employees, we need your assistance in identifying employees who have given notice that they are leaving your department.
Ideally, we would like to get this information within two days of the notice being given so we have time to distribute the questionnaires before the employee departs.
Upon learning of the staff member departure, the Employee Exit Notification Form should be completed and emailed to the main HR mailbox, HR@cityofmadison.com. The form is short and should only take moments to complete. The information placed in the “ongoing employee contact information” fields should be active following the employee’s departure. Once we receive the form, we will reach out to the departing employee to provide them information on the “Exit Survey” process.
For departments that are already conducting exit interviews, this program is not intended to impede your efforts and should be seen as a parallel program. In time, the supplementary data the HR Department collects should assist all departments in attracting and retaining employees.
If you have additional questions, please contact Brad Wollmann, HR Budget & Data Analyst, at bwollmann@cityofmadison.com or by phone at 608-266-4961.