East Side Water Supply Project
Project Details
Project Information
In July 2010, Madison Water Utility (MWU) began the East Side Water Supply (ESWS) Project, a major water supply planning project that paired professional and scientific expertise with community engagement to recommend future infrastructure on Madison's East Side. In October 2010, a Citizen Advisory Panel (CAP) was formed for this project. The CAP met and advised MWU on public expectations for drinking water quality, water supply and demand, and water conservation.
Volunteers are requested to serve on the Citizen’s Advisory Panel (CAP) for this project. Your participation would be greatly appreciated. Contact the Utility at 608-266-4651 or email water@cityofmadison.com if you are interested.
Previous Meetings And Materials:
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Monday, August 22, 2011 at the East Madison Community Center.
Agenda for the 8/22 CAP meeting
Water Utility Board Meeting July 26, 2011:
Decision on ESWS Project recommendations
Minutes of the 7-26-2011 WUB Meeting
Video of the 7-26-2011 WUB Meeting
There was no CAP meeting on Monday, 7/18/11 or 7/25/11; they were canceled.
Public Hearing before the Water Utility Board:
Tuesday, July 12, Madison Water Utility Conference Room
Presentation at 4:30 p.m
Public Hearing at 6:00 p.m.
Minutes of the 7-12-2011 Public Hearing
Video of the 7-12-2011 Public Hearing
Listening & Learning Events were held on:
Monday, June 27, 2011, 4:00 to 8:00 pm
Madison East High School
2222 E. Washington Ave.
Thursday, June 30, 2011, 4:00 to 8:00 pm
Warner Park Community Recreation Center
1625 Northport Dr.
All the exhibits from the Listening and Learning Events can be found here:
The members of the Citizen’s Advisory Panel have developed advisories for the Water Utility Board on the topics of conservation, water demand, and iron and manganese. These advisories make specific recommendations for improvements to the existing water supply system. If you’d like to create your own advisory, here is a template to get you started.
For the Listening and Learning Events the CAP and Water Utility have created a set of documents regarding water conservation, water supply and demand, and water quality (in part specific to iron and manganese and volatile organic compounds.) Each set of documents includes a one-page fact sheet, a CAP advisory, and a feedback form regarding each advisory.
Water Conservation
For a copy of the current Madison Water Utility conservation plan:
Water Supply and Demand
For technical information shared on water demand issues:
Water Quality – including Iron and Manganese Considerations and Volatile Organic Compounds
For technical information shared on water quality issues:
Transcript of citizen comments from the 6/27/11 Listening and Learning Event
If you attended one of the Listening and Learning Events and would like to give us some feedback on the meeting, please complete one of these forms or send your feedback to:
Al Larson, P.E., Madison Water Utility
119 East Olin Ave, Madison WI 53713
608-266-4651, ALarson@ madisonwater.org.
Madison Water Utility is developing and refining a detailed water supply Capital Improvement Program for Madison’s near east side. This planning study will include a 20-year study period and builds on the Utility’s 2006 Water Master Plan. This project will have the overall objective of evaluating the long-term water supply needs of the study area and investigating water quality issues at existing wells. The product from this study will be a list of scheduled projects that will ensure that residents of Madison’s east side continue to receive high quality water, excellent water service and adequate fire protection. The Utility is engaging the public in a rigorous public participation process that will pair professional and scientific expertise with community residents to recommend, plan, budget for, and schedule water infrastructure improvements for the area.
Volunteer to be on the citizens Advisory Panel for this Important important project
Madison Water Utility is seeking enthusiastic dedicated visionary citizens to join the project Citizens Advisory Panel (CAP). The CAP will work closely with Utility staff and the consultant team in developing the projects needed to provide high quality water at a standard level of service to the near east side. CAP volunteers will participate in meetings and workshops with the project team to help formulate the capital improvement program for the study area and communicate that plan to the neighborhoods. Let your voice be part of the solution to this very important project. Interested volunteers should contact the Utility at 266-4651 or water@madisonwater.org.
USEPA Grant Information:
With the assistance of Representative Tammy Baldwin’s office, Madison Water Utility secured a 55% special project grant in the amount of $291,000 from the US Environmental Protection Agency to offset the $550,000 project cost. Additional details on the grant are included in the following documents
Additional Information:
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Monday, July 11, 2011 at the Goodman Community Center. The agenda from this meeting is attached below.
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Thursday, July 7, 2011 at the Goodman Community Center. The agenda from this meeting is attached below.
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Monday, June 20, 2011 at the Madison Water Utility Conference Room, 119 East Olin Avenue. The agenda from this meeting is attached below.
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Monday, June 13, 2011 at Warner Park Community Recreation Center. The agenda from this meeting is attached below.
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Monday, June 6, 2011 at Warner Park Community Recreation Center. The agenda from this meeting is attached below.
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at Anderson United Way, 3rd Floor, Evjue A & B. The agenda from this meeting is attached below.
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Monday, May 23, 2011 at the Goodman Community Center. The agenda from this meeting is attached below.
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Monday, May 16, 2011 at the Goodman Community Center. The agenda from this meeting is attached below.
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Monday, May 9, 2011 at the Goodman Community Center. The agenda from this meeting is attached below.
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Monday, April 25, 2011 at the Goodman Community Center. The agenda from this meeting is attached below.
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Monday, April 18, 2011 at the Goodman Community Center. The agenda from this meeting is attached below.
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Monday, April 11, 2011 at the Goodman Community Center. The agenda from this meeting is attached below.
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at the Goodman Community Center. The agenda from this meeting is attached below.
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Monday, March 21, 2011 at the Goodman Community Center. The agenda from this meeting is attached below.
CAP and Water Utility Board members toured Water Utility facilities on Madison’s east side on Saturday, 3/19/11.
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at the Madison Water Utility Conference Room. Information from this meeting is attached below.
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Monday, February 21, 2011 at the Goodman Community Center. The agenda from this meeting is attached below.
The first meeting of the ESWS Participation, Communication, and Recruitment Committee was held on Thursday, 2/10/11. Please see the link below to view notes taken at the meeting.
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Monday, February 7, 2011 at the Goodman Community Center. The agenda from this meeting is attached below.
A Citizen Advisory Panel Technical Workshop was held Saturday, January 29, 2011 at the East Madison Community Center. The agenda from this workshop as well as other information that was presented there may be found below.
- Workshop Agenda (Amended)
- List of Workshop Attendees
- Project Introduction Information Sheet
- 1/29/11 CAP Presentation
- Water Demand Projections
- Water Quality Presentation
- Dane County Groundwater Presentation
- Videos of the 1/29/11 East Side Water Supply Workshop
- Hydro 101 - Understanding the Water Cycle
- Water Quality- Contamination in the Isthmus
- Understanding Water Demand
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Monday, January 24, 2011 at the Goodman Community Center. The agenda from this meeting is attached below.
A Citizen Advisory Panel meeting was held Monday, January 10, 2011 at the Goodman Community Center. The agenda from this meeting as well as other information presented at the meeting are attached below.
- 1/10/11 CAP Meeting Agenda
- Suggested Agenda Items for CAP Meetings
- CAP Creation Criteria
- CAP Recruiting
- Level of Service Memo
- Iron and Manganese Technology Evaluation
- MARS Water Quality Memo
- CAP Report
- Letter from Larry Nelson to MWU re: Pumping Doctrine
A third umbrella CAP formation meeting was held on Monday, December 13, 2010, at the Water Utility Heim Building on Olin Avenue. A preliminary draft presentation on water quality and quantity is attached below. The agenda from this meeting is also noted below.
- 12/13/10 CAP Meeting Agenda (Amended)
- 12/13/10 CAP Presentation
- 12/13/10 CAP Report
- Project Scoping Document
A second umbrella CAP formation meeting was held on Monday, November 22, 2010, at the Goodman Community Center. This meeting continued the process of laying the groundwork for forming the umbrella CAP for the project. The agenda and report from this meeting are noted below.
On Friday November 5, 2010, a meeting was held at the Goodman Community Center to start the process of forming an umbrella CAP for the project. The umbrella CAP will provide citizen involvement for the full project and will guide the formation of project- specific CAP’s as the project develops and evolves. The report from this meeting is noted below.
A CAP formation meeting was held at the Water Utility on Friday October 8, 2010. The objective of the meeting was to bring together active citizens who have shown an interest in Water Utility projects in the past. This group would provide guidance and insight into the formation of the public participation plan and process for this project. Notes and other information from that meeting are attached.
- Public Participation Workshop Report
- The CAP - Public Participation Communications
- The Intersection Between the Expert and the Citizen
Black and Veatch Corporation of Kansas City, Missouri, was selected to provide engineering consulting services to the Utility for the project. As an introduction to the Water Utility Board, Black and Veatch and members of the consulting team made a presentation at the September 29, 2010 Water Utility Board meeting. A copy of that presentation is attached.
In January 2010, Madison Water Utility solicited proposals from interested engineering firms to provide consulting services for the project. A copy of that request for proposal is included below:
Press Release: July 29, 2010
Innovative Project to Engage the Community for East Madison Water Supply Planning
Madison Water Utility has kicked off a major water supply planning project that will pair professional and scientific expertise with community engagement to recommend future infrastructure on Madison's East Side.
The 18-month study will develop projects to improve water quality and supply on the east side of Madison. The study area ranges from the Yahara River on the west to I-90 on the east, to Northport Drive and East Towne Mall on the north to Buckeye Road on the south. Using a $291,000 special appropriations grant procured by Representative Tammy Baldwin's office through the USEPA, and $359,000 in Water Utility matching funds, the project will assess water demands, supply requirements, water quality, and distribution system capacity. The ultimate goal of the study will be to develop a capital improvement program to meet long-term needs.
The utility will be seeking active public participation to help develop solutions for the water supply and quality issues identified. Water Utility General Manager Tom Heikkinen said that public collaboration is a key component of the new project. "We firmly believe that collaborating with the community on social, environmental, and economic issues will result in facilities we can all take pride in."
Madison Water Utility has contracted with Black and Veatch Corporation to provide engineering services and assistance with meeting facilitation. The project team includes experts with local experience in public participation.
Volunteers are invited to establish a citizen advisory panel. Call 266-4653.