F-35 Resolution, Refugee Stories, CRNA Fall Meeting - D15 Update 9/15/19



Thank you to all of those that have submitted comment regarding the proposal to bring F-35A jets to Madison. You can read my latest update here. On Tuesday, the Common Council will debate a resolution I co-authored with Alder Rebecca Kemble and that is co-sponsored by Alders Abbas, Rummel, Heck, and Evers.

I've received notification that another alder intends to submit an alternate resolution that would describe some of the same concerns highlighted in our resolution, but that would not oppose the F-35A beddown in Madison. If the Common Council votes in favor of this alternative resolution, it would reject that resolution that stands in support of the thousands of residents most impacted by this proposal.

If you want your voice to be heard on this issue, you should send your comments to allalders@cityofmadison.com & mayor@cityofmadison.com and consider attending Tuesday's meeting and registering to speak. 

No Weekly Update Next Week

I will be out of town with no access to a computer next week and will be unable to send a Weekly Update. You can still check the D15 Calendar for upcoming events and meetings and I'll be back with an update on September 30th.

In the news:

This week's highlights:

Monday, September 16, 2019

5:30 pm - This is Home: A Refugee Story: An intimate portrait of four Syrian refugee families arriving in America and struggling to find their footing; this event is part of a series which supports the book launch of Green Card Youth Voices: Immigration Stories from Madison and Milwaukee High Schools?.

6:00 pm - Local Voices Network - Back to School SocialPlease join The Local Voices Network as we welcome Ananda Mirilli and other invited members of the MMSD School Board as well as members of the City-County Education Committee for a "Back to School Social." We'll be sharing stories about educational issues that have surfaced in the conversations we've hosted in Madison this year!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

6:30 pm - Madison Common Council: Item 58. 57364 Responding to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Air National Guard F-35A Operational Beddown.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


6:00 pm - Green Card Youth Voices: Immigration Storytelling & EmpowermentThe presenters will include two of GCV's own youth storytellers from the Madison / Milwaukee areas and GCV's Executive Director, Tea Rozman Clark. You will learn how effective storytelling educates and empowers both the teller and the audience, and you'll leave with resources and ideas to incorporate storytelling into your own work.

6:00 pm - Law Park - Community WorkshopCome share and learn more about what Law Park can be. Share your ideas, community goals, and priorities for this lakeshore greenspace. Everyone is welcome!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

4:00 pm - Arts in the Alley - Double Scroop Ice Cream ConeJoin us behind the Hawthorne Library in Mural Alley for outdoor art, building, and making adventures for kids! Our fall series features local artist Amy Mietzel. Workshops will be held in the library's Children's Area in the event of rain or severe weather. This week we will hand sew some ice cream scoops onto your own cardboard cone creation. Make your own flavors!

6:00 pm - Carpenter-Ridgeway Neighborhood Association Fall Meeting: We are planning on having David Dexheimer present for a quick Q&A and available for one-on-one questions, updates from Alders Abbas and Foster, and confirming the 2019-2020 board during this meeting.

6:30 pm - The Intersection of the Juvenile Justice System & Mental IllnessThe community forum will include a panel of professionals in the juvenile justice field and an open forum to discuss decriminalizing mental illness within the juvenile justice system.

Friday, September 20, 2019

5:00 pm - Hispanic Heritage Month Open HouseThe Wisconsin Historical Society is partnering with the Madison Latino Chamber of Commerce to host a Hispanic Heritage Month Open House. Included in the event is food, live entertainment, museum & archival collections, and other society department booths.

Saturday, September 21, 2019


9:00 am - Trucks & TreasuresSee the big rigs and shop the kids-to-kids garage sale! Kids of all ages (adults too!) are welcomed to climb on, explore and get up close and personal with the big rigs and meet the employees who operate them. Vehicles participating include those from Madison Police Department, Madison Fire Department, Madison Metro, Madison Water Utility, Madison Streets Division and the Madison Parks Division including a fire engine, police car, construction equipment, dump trucks and more!

1:00 pm - Rally for Refuge!Our goal is to bring our community together for the common cause of raising awareness, financial support, and sanctuary for refugees at the southern US Border. Proceeds will go directly to RAICES advocacy group, a nonprofit that is actively providing legal support to immigrants and refugees who are currently being detained.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

12:00 pm - Bands Lending a Hand at High Noon SaloonO'Keeffe Middle School PTG Fundraiser featuring Vegan Steakhouse and The Blue Dyes.

Click on 'details' in the events below for links to additional details and meeting agendas. You can find a full list of city meetings here.

Subscribe to the District 15 Blog via the sidebar above to receive an email when new updates are published. If you have any questions or thoughts you can reach me at district15@cityofmadison.com

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Alder Dina Nina Martinez-Rutherford

Alder Dina Nina Martinez-Rutherford

District 15
Contact Alder Martinez-Rutherford
