Edgewater Entertainment License application will NOT be heard Aug 16 -- referred to the Sept 13 ALRC meeting


I just heard from the City Attorney that the Edgewater has requested and that the hearing on their Entertainment License application NOT be acted on tomorrow evening at the Alcohol License Review Committee (ALRC) but instead be heard at the Sept 13 ALRC meeting.  The City Attorney agreed that this referral would be beneficial to allow for further discussions in an effort to reach an agreement.  This means that the prohibition against the Edgewater holding any live music or DJ events inside or outside is extended for at least another month (other than for the 5 temporary licenses they received; event dates for the remaining temporary licenses are Aug 24 and 25 and Sept 1).

Those people who were planning on coming to tomorrow evening's ALRC meeting should mark their calendars for the Sept 13 ALRC meeting.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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Alder Juliana Bennet

Alder Juliana Bennett

District 2
Contact Alder Bennett