Olbrich Park Nature Play Area

July 12, 2024 Update

Parks is planning to start construction of the nature play area at Olbrich Park in the coming weeks. Next week (week of July 15) crews will be cutting existing vegetation to a height of 2-3 inches on the hillside in areas where the slides and climbing features will be installed. This is necessary in order to prepare for and install these features. Parks construction team will then begin work either late next week, or the week after (week of July 22).

The slides will be installed at a later date due to long lead times from the manufacturer. At this time, the delivery date of the slides is unknown. Some allowances during the initial phase of construction will be required to ensure equipment can access the slide locations for future installation.

View past project updates »

Project Details

  • Location

    • 3527 Atwood Ave
      Madison, WI 53704
  • Status

  • Estimated Schedule

    – Summer 2024
  • Impact

  • Alder District

    District 15

Project Information

Project Plan

The Parks Division maintains a replacement schedule for all of the city’s playgrounds and the playground at Olbrich Park near Lakeland Ave. was identified for removal this year. The typical lifespan of post and platform playground equipment is 20-30 years, and this playground has passed the standard expected lifespan. The playground was removed in early July 2023.

Parks has reviewed the location of the playground in the context of other playgrounds in the vicinity, and has decided to install a nature play area rather than a post and platform playground in this location. There are traditional post and platform playgrounds located nearby at Elmside Circle Park, Olbrich Park (Garrison St), and Olbrich Park (Walter St.). Nature play areas typically offer more open-ended play opportunities compared to conventional playgrounds. By providing natural materials and landscapes, children are encouraged to use their creativity and problem-solving skills to invent their own games and explore their surroundings. This approach fosters a sense of independence and self-directed learning, promoting cognitive and social development.

Public Input

Public Input Meeting #2

Monday, March 11, 2024 at 6:00pm via Zoom

Meeting Recording
Presentation Slides

Public Input Meeting #1

Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 6:00pm via Zoom

Meeting Recording

Presentation Slides


The Parks Division expects public engagement to be conducted in the winter of 2023-2024 and construction to occur in 2024.

Project Updates

Parks is planning to start construction of the nature play area at Olbrich Park in the coming weeks. Next week (week of July 15) crews will be cutting existing vegetation to a height of 2-3 inches on the hillside in areas where the slides and climbing features will be installed. This is necessary in order to prepare for and install these features. Parks construction team will then begin work either late next week, or the week after (week of July 22).

The slides will be installed at a later date due to long lead times from the manufacturer. At this time, the delivery date of the slides is unknown. Some allowances during the initial phase of construction will be required to ensure equipment can access the slide locations for future installation.

Parks intends to begin construction in mid-to-late July. The specific timeline is weather dependent on the Parks construction team completion of current projects which are in-progress. 

The embankment slides will not be delivered in time for construction and will be installed at a later date after they are received from the manufacturer.

Parks is working to procure the necessary products and materials for construction of the play area. Some products, particularly the slides, require custom manufacturing and extended manufacturing timeframes. Parks will identify a construction timeframe after the delivery dates of products is known. 

Parks has prepared a revised plan based on feedback from the second public meeting, held on March 11. If you have comments, please send them to akaniewski@cityofmadison.com by March 31. 

View the Revised Plan

Thank you to everyone who attended the second public meeting. The meeting recording and presentation slides have been added as links in the Public Input section below.

A revised plan has been uploaded for viewing prior to the second public meeting, scheduled for March 11. Please see below to find the link to register in advance, and additional information.

The second public meeting has been scheduled for March 11. Please see below to find the link to register in advance, and additional information.

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