D6 Items of Interest Week of July 8, 2024


Several D6 items are at Plan Commission on Monday including the conditional use application for Porchlight at 521 E Washington (and the companion proposal to redevelop 306 N Brooks into student housing). The Plan Commission is also holding a special meeting on Thursday that all community members interested in the development process should pay attention to. The Large Item Collection ordinance changes that affect buildings with 8 or more units and proposed policy changes will be at Finance Monday and Board of Public Works Wednesday.

Boards, Commissions, and Committee Meetings

Note: This is not a complete list of meetings for this upcoming week. All meetings and their details can be found at the Meeting Schedule page.

4. 84175 Authorizing the Transportation Department, to submit a grant application to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for up to $500,000 dollars, accept grant funding if awarded, and authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign the resulting grant agreement.

The Transportation Department and Parking Division are interested in obtaining a carbon reduction grant from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to develop a curb management program that reduces transportation emissions by optimizing curb use to decrease idling and traffic congestion, coordinate curbside needs, such as deliveries, passenger pick-ups, micro-mobility, green infrastructure, and parking through an equity and sustainability lens; and enhance multimodal transportation options by prioritizing safe infrastructure for biking and public transit, thus reducing reliance on single-occupancy vehicles.

Note that at the Plan Commission special business meeting on Thursday, they will be discussing curb management (short term parking and loading) in agenda item #2, the link in Thursday’s agenda below includes a very useful/interesting PowerPoint.

6. 83632 Amending Section 10.18 and 1.08(3)(a), and creating Section 27.05(2)(dd) of the Madison General Ordinances to update the City’s large item collection and electronic waste recycling ordinances, and to update the bond schedule accordingly.

The proposed resolution amends the City’s large item collection and electronic waste recycling ordinances with a proposed effective date of November 1, 2024. The proposed changes clarify the City’s utilization of a work order system, unauthorized disposal of large items on terraces, and electronic waste recycling policy. Under the proposed change, the City will no longer provide large item pickup for residential buildings with 8 or more units.  Additionally, the proposed ordinance changes includes establishing penalties for violating the ordinance. At this time, the fiscal impact from these penalties is not possible to calculate.

7. 83634 Approving the Large Item Collection and Electronic Waste Recycling Policy.

The Large Item Collection and Electronic Waste policy and ordinance amendment will also be on the agenda of the Board of Public Works on Wednesday.

2. 83420 Adopting the Sustainability Plan Update and directing staff to implement the recommendations in the plan.

8. 83739 823 E Washington Avenue, 1st Floor (District 6): Consideration of a conditional use in the Traditional Employment (TE) District for a nightclub to allow an approved restaurant-tavern located on the first floor of a hotel to be converted into a nightclub.

9. 83741 823 E Washington Avenue, 8th Floor (District 6): Consideration of a conditional use in the Traditional Employment (TE) District for a restaurant-nightclub to allow an approved restaurant-tavern located on the eighth floor of a hotel to be converted into a restaurant-nightclub.

From the staff report for 83739:

The applicant, NCG Hospitality, owners of Moxy by Marriott, an eight-story hotel with 151 guest rooms located at 823 East Washington Avenue, is requesting conditional use approval for a nightclub to operate in the existing open two-story lobby bar space on the first and second floors of the hotel building. The space is currently permitted and has been operating as a restaurant-tavern since March 2024, but the owner and operator are seeking nightclub approval to permit greater operational flexibility. The existing space serves as the hotel’s bar and restaurant. The applicant intends to offer live music or entertainment, such as a DJ or amplified live music in the space. According to the letter of intent, the location of entertainment will be limited to the hotel’s lobby area, which is open to the second floor. Entertainment offerings will end prior to 11:00 p.m. and only be offered on select dates. General hours of operation for the bar and restaurant, 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. Monday through Friday and 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. Saturday and Sunday, will not change. Security in addition to that required for the bar and restaurant operation will be added as necessary.

Note that while this conditional use request is for the owner-operator’s use in the first-floor lobby space, a restaurant-nightclub conditional use request is also being considered for the hotel’s eighth-floor restaurant space (see staff report in Legislative ID 83741 for more details).

11. 83269 709-711 E Johnson Street (District 6): Consideration of a conditional use in the Neighborhood Mixed-Use (NMX) District for an outdoor eating area for a restaurant-tavern tenant in a mixed-use building.

Note: Item 11 should be referred to September 9, 2024 at the request of the applicant.

Note: Items 14-16 are related and will be considered as one public hearing. Following the public hearing, the Plan Commission shall make separate findings and motions on each agenda item.

14. 83525 521 E Washington Avenue (District 6): Consideration of a demolition permit to demolish a two-story commercial building.

15. 83526 521 E Washington Avenue (District 6): Consideration of a conditional use in the Urban Mixed-Use (UMX) District for a new building greater than 20,000 square feet or more than four stories to allow construction of an eight-story mixed-use building containing approximately 3,800 square feet of office space and 70 apartments.

The legistar link above includes links to the demolition permit #14 and Certified Survey Map #16.

Project Plans

Staff Report Overall staff believe that the Conditional Use standards can be met but they call out Standard 2:

“Standard 2 states, “The City is able to provide municipal services to the property where the conditional use is proposed, given due consideration of the cost of providing those services.” The Madison Police Department has expressed concern in the additional project number of service calls projected anticipated for the subject development site given the already high level of daily calls they make to the nearby Beacon, Salvation Army, and YMCA.”

Central District MPD provided service call data (see staff report link for details) for Porchlight’s current facility at 306 N Brooks, the Beacon, The Salvation Army, and the YWCA. With the addition of Porchlight, there would be four facilities within an 5 block area and the concern is police capacity.

The report concludes:

“To address security concerns at the proposed building, the Madison Police Department has worked with City staff and Porchlight staff to develop the following list of security-related measures: • Controlled access to the building via key fob, to include controlled access at all times on the back and side doors, and on the main entry after business hours when the offices close. Controlled access to the elevator via key fob. Lock box on outside of the building for police and fire to access a fob for the building. • Security cameras on the exterior as well as on all the interior common spaces and hallways on each floor. • Secured package area for resident package deliveries. • Security and/or staff to monitor cameras and do routine walk throughs of the building, during nonbusiness hours. • Building posted for No Trespass.

Staff have recommended a condition requiring the applicant to submit a security plan to address the points listed above. The revised plan shall be approved by the Central Police District Captain, after consultation with the Planning Division Director (or designee) to include the aforementioned list of security-related measures prior to final sign off and the issuance of building permits.”

I think Porchlight’s claim that police calls for service will likely decrease at the new location is reasonable since all residents will be in studio apartments with private bathrooms and kitchens which should reduce conflicts which occur in the current set up with the majority of residents living in single room occupancy rooms and sharing bathroom and kitchen amenities. I support the conditions that require a security plan that covers daytimes, nights and weekends. During the development review process, I learned that LZ Ventures will provide additional parking for Porchlight staff in The Continental apartment building at 408 E Washington which LZ Ventures owns. 

With Porchlight’s move to the new location from 306 N Brooks St there will be a net reduction of 30+ very affordable units for individuals. It is disheartening to lose that many units in our current housing crisis.

Once the new permanent men’s shelter is completed, I hope the operator, Porchlight, will partner with service providers to set up a day resource center in the Bartillon shelter site which could potentially reduce the demand for services at the Beacon.  We need to figure out a way to provide more public and private resources to the Beacon, they are at peak capacity, serving hundreds of people every day.

16. 83530 Approving a Certified Survey Map of property owned by LZ, LLC located at 521 E Washington Avenue (District 6).

Upcoming Matters – July 29, 2024 - ID 82973 - Urban Design Commission Code Update Project, Phase 1 Amendment

5. 84255 Approving Plans, Specifications, And Schedule Of Assessments For S. Paterson Street Sanitary Sewer Assessment District - 2024 (District 6).

7 84310 July 2024 Superintendent's Report

Superintendent's Monthly Report

12 84317 Request from City of Madison Sustainability Office to Install Air Quality Monitoring Stations in 5 parks. Air Quality Project presentation

The City of Madison received a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency to place air quality monitoring stations throughout the City.   The Sustainability and Resilience program is requesting to install an air quality sensor at 5 Parks locations - Manchester Park, Highland Manor Park, Monona Golf Course, Brigham Park, and Reindahl Park. The sensors would collect data for the remaining 2 years of the project (through 2026). If the sensors are still functioning well at that point, we would like to continue operating the network so long is we have the budget, for up to five years.

14 84319 Adopting the Board of Park Commissioners Policy for Private Art and Expressive Displays in Parks 


2. 84293 Overview and Discussion on Parking and Loading Considerations Presentation and more about Curb Management

3. 84294 Overview and Discussion Regarding the Conditional Use Process and Approval Conditions Condtional Use Overview

4. 84295 Overview and Discussion Regarding Notifications and Communications in the Development Review Process Presentation on Communication in the Development Review Process

  • Madison Public Library Board: The Madison Public Library Board meeting will take place on Thursday, July 11, in Room 301 of the Central Library (201 W. Mifflin St.) at 5:00 p.m. Agenda items include a discussion of the 2025 budget outlook and budget scenarios.

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Alder Marsha Rummel

Alder Marsha A. Rummel

District 6
Contact Alder Rummel