D6 Items of Interest Week of July 15, 2024


The Council agenda on Tuesday includes an appeal of the Plan Commission action on the conditional use request for 6610-6706 Old Sauk Road in District 19 and approving the Large Item Collection and Electronic Waste Recycling Ordinance and Policy. On Wednesday, UDC will review if the Wilson + Blair development project addressed the Commission’s recommendations.


  • Common Council: The Common Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, July 16, in hybrid format at 6:30 p.m. 


2. 84172 Presentation of the 2024 Reverend James C. Wright Human Rights Award by the City of Madison Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) and the Department of Civil Rights - Equal Opportunities Division (EOD) to Reverend Dr. Marcus Allen, Sr. 

The Reverend James C. Wright Human Rights Award honors the late Reverend James C. Wright, who served as Executive Director of the Equal Opportunities Commission from its inception in 1968 until his retirement in 1992. The award is given to an individual who best exemplifies Reverend Wright’s dedication and compassion for civil and human rights and conducts their daily life consistent with these values. The Equal Opportunities Commission has selected Reverend Dr. Marcus Allen, Sr. as the recipient of the 2024 award.

3. 84386 Data Team presentation: Results Madison and national certification for What Works Cities data award.

5. 84385 Presentation on 2025 and Long-Range Budget Plan

6. 84123 Appeal of the Plan Commission action on the conditional use request for 6610-6706 Old Sauk Road, Legistar ID 82972. (District 19)

Appeal letter The appellants believe that “The Plan Commission erred in finding that Stone House Development’s proposed 138-unit apartment complex satisfied factors 1-5. The record before the Plan Commission provides substantial evidence that Stone House Development’s proposal fails to satisfy conditional use factors 1, 2, 3, and 5.

“Stone House Development’s project will have a detrimental effect and endanger public health safety and welfare of the surrounding properties because the stormwater management plan proposed by Stone House Development will exacerbate already existing surface water issues in the neighborhood.” [Conditional Use standard 1] 

“Additionally, [Conditional Use standard] ... 2 and 5 are not satisfied because the City presently lacks sufficient infrastructure to handle the increased stormwater issues caused by the Stone House Development. Rather than routing stormwater into City storm sewers, Stone House Development proposes novel and theoretical solutions to handle stormwater on its property. These include the underground storage tanks, which a professional engineer and professor 3 of soil sciences have concluded are likely to fail, and an infiltration pond, which is designed to discharge water onto the property of a neighboring landowner. Stone House Development proposes these inadequate stormwater solutions because the City lacks adequate stormwater infrastructure to handle the stormwater produced on the property. Stone House Development’s novel and theoretical solutions to the stormwater problem are only necessary because City infrastructure in the area does not allow Stone House to discharge its stormwater into public stormwater infrastructure. Section 28.183(6)(a) factors 2 and 5 are not satisfied.”

Regarding Conditional Use standard #1, the June 10 Staff Report to the Plan Commission says: “It is the opinion of City staff that a residential development like the one proposed, which complies with the requirements in MGO Chapter 37, can meet conditional use standard 1 as it pertains to impacts from storm drainage and erosion. As noted in the Fries memo and in the conditions recommended in the City Engineering Division section of the ‘Recommendations’ section of this report, the applicants will be required to submit a final stormwater management plan and erosion control plan for approval by the City Engineer before the conditional use plans could be signed-off and permits issued for the project.”

This is an unusual appeal. In general, stormwater management plans are finalized after the Plan Commission votes on the conditional use application, during the ‘sign off process’. But due to neighborhood concerns about flooding, Stone House Development prepared a detailed plan outlining their stormwater strategy for the Plan Commission.

Adding stormwater infrastructure to the Old Sauk site should be an improvement to current conditions. But neighbors have identified limitations to the proposed solution. City Engineering will review the plans but at this point, staff has not approved Stone House Development’s final stormwater management plan. 

The Council must try to determine if neighbors’ concerns about the viability of the proposed underground stormwater storage system means that the standards can’t be met once the final stormwater plan is approved by City Engineering staff. 

Recent intense rains have been alarming and flooding is a serious issue many neighborhoods in the city face. Many District 6 residents and property owners are attuned to lake levels since much of the isthmus was once a marsh. Currently, the Yahara River is so high that the MSCR pontoon boat rides have been temporarily canceled since boats can’t safely get from their Tenney Park boat house on the Yahara River and travel under the bridges to either lake. 

Since 2019, the city has embarked on developing a series of watershed studies to address flooding. Not all areas have been studied yet. The city has a flood risk map where you can look up your address. In 2020, the Council adopted a new stormwater ordinance. The County has also worked on dredging the Yahara River and other strategies and tracks lake levels.

15. 83632 SUBSTITUTE: Amending Section 10.18 and 1.08(3)(a), and creating Section 27.05(2)(dd) of the Madison General Ordinances to update the City’s large item collection and electronic waste recycling ordinances, and to update the bond schedule accordingly.

24. 84000 Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for McPike Park - Building Demolition and Site Restoration. (District 6)

Fiscal Note The proposed resolution approves plans and specifications and authorizes the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for the McPike Park - Building Demolition [202-212 S Baldwin St] and Site Restoration. The total estimated cost of the project is $500,000. Funding is available in Munis #10525. No additional appropriation is required.

36. 83518 Requesting information, studies, and plans regarding the authorization of a local sales tax. Sponsors: Amani Latimer Burris 

44. 83530 Approving a Certified Survey Map of property owned by LZ, LLC located at 521 E Washington Avenue (District 6).

At last week’s Plan Commission, the applications for demolition permit and the conditional use permit were approved unanimously to approve the construction of the new office space and 70-unit residential building for Porchlight. The Legistar item includes links to all files.

58. 84168 Authorizing the Planning Division to continue the Artist at Work program, focusing on destination marketing for Madison’s music sector, and to select and contract non-profit partners as grantees. Sponsors: Marsha A. Rummel


59. 84329 Amending Section 28.045 of the Madison General Ordinances to change minimum dimensional requirements in the TR-C4 District Sponsors: Tag Evers

DRAFTER’S ANALYSIS: This proposed ordinance change amends the minimum setback, lot area and lot width requirements for two-family twin and three-unit buildings in the TR-C4 District. This change is similar to Legistar File 78690 which made similar changes to TR-V1, TR-V2, TRU1, TR-U2, Downtown Residential 1 and Downtown Residential 2 Districts that was adopted by the Common Council on 8/1/2023. Like 78690, this proposed set of changes would create consistency for permissible residential uses and align bulk standards with the existing built environment.

60. 84382 Adopting an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan related to the Northeast Area Plan. Sponsors: Derek Field And Sabrina V. Madison

Public comments and feedback led directly to several Plan recommendations. These include addressing the “fragmented” bike network, new and expanded parks in the Northeast Area, and land use changes to encourage housing development. The planned homeless shelter on Bartillon Drive was often mentioned by participants, and plan recommendations reflects concerns with a lighting audit and the creation of a Neighborhood Resource Team.

61. 84383 Adopting an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan related to the West Area Plan. Sponsors: John P. Guequierre

Staff made edits to plan drafts in response to public feedback. This included changing future land use back to Low Residential from Low Medium Residential along Merrill Crest near the corner of Whitney Way and Regent Street and removing proactive rezoning there, removing proactive rezoning from the Highlands Neighborhood, changing future land use back to Low Residential from Medium Residential for the Hill Farms Pool site, changing transportation access on Segoe Road by removing parts of Laub Lane and focusing access at Berwyn Drive and adding pedestrian crossing improvements and removing the north-south shared use path from the Sauk Creek Greenway.

69. 84359 Naming Justin Festge-Russell as Madison's 2024-25 Youth Poet Laureate. Sponsors: Marsha A. Rummel

74. 84377 Adopting the West Area Plan, adopting an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and archiving underlying plans.

76. 84379 Adopting the Northeast Area Plan, adopting an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and archiving underlying plans.

  • Urban Design Commission: The Urban Design Commission meeting will take place on Wednesday, July 17, in virtual format at 4:30 p.m. Agenda items include an informational presentation on an application for a new multi-family building in District 12.

5. 79707 134, 140, 148, 150 S Blair Street/506, 508, 510, 514, 516, 518, 522 E Wilson Street - New Residential Building and Hotel in UMX Zoning. (District 6) Owner: JDJ Import Company, LLC Applicant: Brian Munson, Vandewalle & Associates Final Approval is Requested UDC is an Advisory Body

At the May 29, 2024, meeting, the Commission granted Initial Approval of this item with conditions that generally spoke to revising the historic façade reconstruction to more accurately reflect the building’s period of significance, providing more details related to the design of the building end walls and architectural lighting, as well as updates to the landscape plan. The Commission’s subsequent review and continued evaluation of this item should focus on whether those conditions have been addressed.


8. 84250 2450 E Washington Avenue - New Multi-Family Building in Urban Design District (UDD) 5. (District 12) Owner: Anthony Adams, Adams Properties, LLC Applicant: Travis Fauchald, Volker UDC will be an Approving Body


According to the applicant’s letter of intent: This proposed project involves the redevelopment of the properties at 10 & 16 N 7th Street and 2430, 2434, & 2450 E Washington Avenue, which has a former muffler & auto sales building that is now vacant, along with rental properties. These are located on the north side of E Washington Avenue at the corner of E Washington Ave and N 7th St. The proposed development would be a 5-story building with 76 multifamily units and 76 vehicle parking stalls. This will be a WHEDA affordable housing project and is located in Urban Design District No. 5. The site will be rezoned to Commercial Corridor – Transitional (CC-T) district as part of this redevelopment project.


  • Economic Development Committee: The Economic Development Committee meeting will take place on Wednesday, July 17, in virtual format at 5:00 p.m. Agenda items include adopting the Sustainability Plan update, adopting the Northeast Area Plan, and adopting the West Area Plan.


  • Alcohol License Review Committee: Wednesday July 17, in hybrid format at 5:30p. Agenda items include 

25. 84160 Public Hearing - New License Molten Monkey LLC • dba Molten Monkey Pizza 912 E Johnson St • Agent: Otto Dilba Estimated Capacity (in/out): 50/20 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 5% alcohol, 95% food Police Sector 407 (District 6)


Note: This is not a complete list of meetings for this upcoming week. All meetings and their details can be found at the Meeting Schedule page.


If you would like more information about becoming a member of a City board, commission, or committee, please visit the page linked here.  


News & Announcements


  • Last day to establish residency for Fall Partisan Primary is Tuesday, July 16:  Voters who move after today will not be eligible to vote from their new address in August because it takes 28 days to establish residency for voting purposes. They can remain registered at their previous address until after the Primary Election, and then should update their voter registration for the November General Election.

  • Lane Closures -- Old Sauk Road: Payne and Dolan will begin resurfacing of Old Sauk Road near the Beltline beginning on Wednesday, July 17, and continue through August 5.  This work will be performed in two phases. During the entire project contractors will keep one lane of… [posted July 12] 

 West and Northeast Area Plans submitted for approval: The City of Madison’s Planning Division has submitted both the West Area Plan and Northeast Area Plan for approval, with both plans scheduled to be introduced at the Common Council’s meeting on July 16, 2024. [posted July 12] 

 Marcus Allen, Sr. Awarded Reverend James C. Wright Human Rights Award: The Annual Reverend Wright Human Rights Award goes this year to Reverend Dr. Marcus Allen, Sr. The award will be presented at the Common Council meeting on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, at 6:30 pm. Reverend Allen's tireless efforts have had a profound… [posted July 12] 

 Update: Lane and Street Closures – East Doty Street and Wilson Street: Starting 7am on Monday, July 15th, RG Huston will begin work on E. Wilson St between S. Pinckney St and Martin Luther King Jr Blvd.  While contractors will keep one lane of traffic open at all times, the designated lane may shift depending on… [posted July 12] 



  • Volunteer reviewers wanted for Madison food carts: If you want to have a say in which food carts line Madison’s streets, the City’s Economic Development Division is looking for volunteers to help review food vending candidates for next year’s vending season. [posted July 10] 


  • MPD Chief Barnes inducted into national policing hall of fame: MADISON, Wis. – Madison Police Chief Shon Barnes has been nationally recognized for his efforts in using research and data in policing. He was formally inducted into the Evidence-Based Policing Hall of Fame this summer. The Hall honors innovative law… [posted July 9] 





Please visit the City news webpage to find additional news and announcements and to subscribe to receive notification of news releases as they are posted.


BINGO at the Madison Senior Center on Thursday, July 18: It is free to play BINGO. Small prizes are awarded to BINGO winners. An optional round of Blackout takes place at the end. Each BINGO card costs 50 cents. The first person(s) to get a “black out” wins the kitty. Event starts at 10:15 a.m.

Please find additional upcoming Madison Senior Center events listed on the Madison Senior Center event calendar.

Parks Alive builds stronger neighborhoods and connects neighbors to their parks through fun, family-friendly activities, music and free food. Events are held in parks across the city and throughout the summer. Connect with your neighbors and engage with your community at a Parks Alive event near you! Events start at 5:00 p.m.

6:30 p.m. movie: Migration (2023, PG, 1h 23m)

6:30 p.m. movie: The Marvels (2023, PG-13, 1h 45m).

The City of Madison Parks Division developed Movies with Madison Parks in harmony with the City's Neighborhood Resource Teams (NRTs). Sina Davis, from the Allied Drive Neighborhood, provided the spark and served as the main community driver behind the creation and development of the program. This popular program was named in her honor, just before her passing in July 2019.

The Wizard of Oz (1939), G 1h 42m

5pm - 6:30 p.m. DJ, field games, bouncy castle, food carts

6:30pm - 8:15 p.m. Movie: The Croods (2013), PG 1h 38m

Trolls Band Together (2023), PG 1h 31m

Live at The Glen: Vince Sweeney on Friday, July 19: Madison Parks Foundation is proud to present Live at The Glen! Enjoy live music on the patio at The Glen Golf Park. 

130 Years of Madison Parks Celebration at The Glen Golf Park on Sunday, July 21: Join us at The Glen Golf Park on July 21 from 2-4pm for the Madison Parks Foundation & Madison Parks 130 Years of Madison Parks Celebration. Reserve your free tickets online.

Please find additional upcoming City of Madison Parks events listed on the City parks event calendar.

Additional upcoming events can also be found on the City events calendar.


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Alder Marsha Rummel

Alder Marsha A. Rummel

District 6
Contact Alder Rummel