Resources for the Madison Community
Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.
Federal Safety Grants
Each year, Traffic Engineering partners with other City agencies to develop grant applications that will improve safety and eliminate deaths and serious injuries on our streets. Traffic Engineering also takes a lead on some transportation planning projects especially planning to improve mobility for people walking and biking.
US DoT Safe Streets and Roads for All Program
Safe Systems Supplemental Planning
The City’s first Safe Streets and Roads for All grant focuses on undertaking additional planning work to improve safety for people walking and biking.
- Additional project information
- Update to Pedestrian Plan & Project Prioritization
- Finalize All Ages Ability Bike Network Map & Project Prioritization
- Post Crash Care Data Review – webpage coming soon
Forward to Vision Zero: Implementation, Demonstration Projects, and Supplemental Planning
The City of Madison was awarded $6.3 million for infrastructure improvements, impaired driving countermeasures, safety studies, demonstration projects, and additional safety focused planning.
Transportation Alternatives Program
The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funds projects to build pedestrian and bicycle facilities as well as projects related to Safe Routes to School. Infrastructure projects are managed by Engineering and once the project is started can be found on the Engineering Projects webpage.
Safe Routes to School Plan
In collaboration with the Madison Metropolitan School District and the Wisconsin Bike Fed, the City will be developing a Safe Routes to School program framework, doing individual school safety plans, and reviewing areas with Unusually Hazardous Busing designation.
Highway Safety Improvement Program
The Highway Safety Improvement Program funds highway safety projects at sites that have experienced a high crash history.
- Mineral Point Rd at High Point Rd Intersection Improvements include:
- Improvements to some turn lanes.
- Signal improvements to include monotube signal poles and retro-reflective signal back plates.
- Addition of pedestrian countdown signals, high visibility crosswalks and improvements to curb ramps to ensure accessibility.
- S Whitney Way at Odana Road Safety Intersection Improvements include:
- Signal improvements to include monotube signal poles and retro-reflective signal back plates.
- Widening of the north and east medians.
Wisconsin DOT Federal Redistribution Program
In 2024, the Wisconsin DOT anticipates having funding available for projects that meet the requirements of several programs. Applications were submitted for Transportation Alternatives Program funding and Carbon Reduction Program funding. The City anticipates being notified of project selection in August 2024.
Project applications include:
- Stop Sign Paddles – Stop sign paddles that meet national standards and improve overall visibility.
- Automated Bike Counter – Improvements to the automated bicycle counter system including upgrading the visual bike counters on the Capital City Path and Southwest Path which are at the end of their product life.
- Traffic Signal Cabinets & Signal Cabinets – Retrofitting of traffic signal cabinets and older traffic signal controllers at intersection throughout the City.
- LED Traffic Signal Fixtures – Purchase approximately 12,550 LED traffic signal fixtures to replace existing incandescent and early-technology LED signal faces at 251 intersections.
Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program
The Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program is focused on planning and design and/or construction of safe and connected active transportation facilities.
Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grant Program
The SMART program was established to provide grants to public sector agencies to conduct demonstration projects focused on advanced smart community technologies and systems in order to improve transportation efficiency and safety.