The New Streets & Urban Forestry Website Has Launched!


Hello, Madison Recyclers

Earlier today, the new Streets & Urban Forestry website was published.

The site is a vast improvement over our old one.

There are three features I want to make sure you see.

  1. Online Recyclopedia
  2. Street Tree Inventory
  3. Easier Schedule Lookups

In the "How do I dispose of...?" page, you will find a widget where you can search for stuff and you will find their disposal rules.  Now, it doesn't have everything but it does have a lot of stuff. And we will keep adding things to it as (reasonable) omissions come in that we haven't thought of yet.

Through 2023 and into 2024, every streetside tree in Madison was inventoried and we can finally unveil this information to the public with our new website.

Check out this streetside tree information on our tree inventory page.  You can see the species and the benefits the tree provides.  

You may have questions about the inventory, so I recommend you read the information on the inventory page as it should answer some of the common questions that may come up.

Finally, we have a simpler way to look up your trash & recycling schedule and the set out dates for your brush and yard waste.  

This simpler look up is available on the homepage,, and also other locations throughout the site.

You may find other surprises and updates throughout the site as well.  

And, with this being a tech update, you might find a typo or two.  Or maybe something else that doesn't quite work as well as it should.  If you do find something that isn't quite working, please let us know.  Feel free to give us a call or send us an email ( and we'll get it fixed as soon as we can.

Thanks for your time and attention!

Bryan Johnson

Recycling Coordinator

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    • City of Madison - Madison Senior Center
      330 W Mifflin St
    • Madison Circus Space
      2082 Winnebago St.
    • City of Madison - Madison Senior Center
      330 W Mifflin St
    • City of Madison - Madison Senior Center
      330 W Mifflin St
      Virtual event
    • Virtual event
    • City of Madison - Madison Senior Center
      330 W Mifflin St
    • City of Madison - Madison Senior Center
      330 W Mifflin St
    • City of Madison - Madison Senior Center
      330 W Mifflin St
    • City of Madison - Madison Senior Center
      330 West Mifflin Street
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Alder Yannette Figueroa Cole

Alder Yannette Figueroa Cole

District 10, Council President
Contact Alder Figueroa Cole
