Public information meeting for development planned on University Avenue; Stay safe in winter; Announcements & Events
postedHello neighbors,
Reminder that there will be a public information meeting on the property development planned at the 3535-3553 University Avenue location on January 16 at 6pm. Please register in advance for this meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. The property owners have been able to acquire the two homes at the corner of University Ave and Meadow Lane, and want to get neighborhood feedback on a slightly larger development than what has already been approved. Notably, the expanded footprint would allow for much better traffic flow in and out of the building.
Updates and Notices
Winter Storms and Extreme Cold: When temperatures drop significantly below normal, staying warm and safe can be a challenge. Learn how to protect yourself and prepare for winter storms.
Announcements and News Releases
- Ice Skating in Madison Parks: Ice skaters, rejoice! Tenney Park and Vilas Park lagoons and many rinks are open! Bring your own skates or rent at Elver, Tenney, and Vilas.
- Statement on Wisconsin Election Commission Investigation : The city fully supports this independent review, and looks forward to WEC’s findings and recommendations, which will inform any changes we make to prevent a similar situation from occurring in the future.
- It’s Time to Name Some Plows! The City of Madison Parks and Streets Divisions, and Wisconsin Salt Wise, are asking for your help. There are five vehicles in the City's snowplowing fleet (one from Parks, and four from Streets) that need names. And you can help by submitting names, and then voting on the finalists.
- Sauk Creek Greenway Corridor Plan: The City of Madison is developing a Corridor Plan for the Sauk Creek Greenway on the west side of Madison between Tree Lane and Old Sauk Road just east of High Point Road. The community input received to date has helped inform the draft plan that proposes to stabilize key banks to reduce erosion within stormwater conveyance channel, improve maintenance access, and replant disturbed areas with native woodland trees, shrubs, wildflowers and grasses in order to improve the ecological health and wildlife habitat within the greenway corridor. The City recently shared draft plans for the corridor during a public meeting on December 4th, 2024. If you were unable to attend the December 4, 2024 Virtual Public Information Meeting, you can view the meeting recording: Dec. 4, 2024 Public Information Meeting Recording, or the presentation slides with polling results: Dec. 4, 2024 Public Information Meeting Presentation with Polling Results. Additional info, including slides and recordings from the previous 3 public meetings is available on the project webpage.
There will be additional opportunities to share your input:
- A public meeting in January to share the Final Sauk Creek Corridor Plan (January, date TBD)
- Board of Public Works and Common Council (dates TBD)
- During each design phase
Please visit the City news webpage to find additional news and announcements and to subscribe to receive notification of news releases as they are posted.
- Groove & Glide, Friday, January 10: Make the most of winter at a Groove and Glide event! Experience the fun and beauty of ice skating under the lights with fun music and games. All ages and experience levels are welcome. Grab your friends, a date, or family, and have fun on the ice.
- Mobile Vaccination Clinic: Badger Prairie Needs Network, Saturday, January 11: Public Health Madison & Dane County are hosting mobile vaccination clinics throughout the county in partnership with community organizations!
- Bird & Nature Adventures | Owen, Saturday, January 11: Explore Owen Conservation Park on gentle trails through historic oak openings on a hillside with an Ice Age kettle and along restored prairies with beautiful vistas on this high point overlooking the west side of Madison. Co-sponsored by Madison Parks and the Friends of Owen Conservation Park. Free, family-friendly guided nature walks at Owen Conservation Park are held on the 2nd Saturday of each month, year-round 1:30-3pm. No registration is required. No pets are allowed.
- Candlelight Snowshoe Walk, Saturday, January 11: Join Madison Parks, Wild Warner and the Friends of Cherokee Marsh in this free, family-friendly event at Warner Park. See the park by candlelight and warm up by the fire. Limited snowshoes will be available to borrow during the event or bring your own or wear appropriate winter footwear. No registration is needed. This event will take place with or without snow cover but may be canceled if conditions are icy or otherwise unsafe.
- Bird & Nature Adventures | Turville Point, Sunday, January 12: Follow rolling hiking paths through the Turville Point Conservation Park woodlands and prairie with beautiful vistas of Lake Monona and Monona Bay. Walks at Turville Point held on the 2nd Sunday every month are co-sponsored by Madison Bird City FUN partners, Madison Parks and Friends of Olin Turville. Meet at the Turville Point parking lot, entrance at the E. Olin Ave. stoplight from John Nolen Drive at the railroad tracks, south of Olin Park (not at the boat launch). No registration is required. No pets are allowed.
- Updates from Monroe Street library:
- Preschool Storytime for kids age 0 to age 5 every Tuesday morning at 10:30 starting Jan. 7. January sessions will be led by Growing Voices Music. Sing, play, stomp and dance. Storytimes will continue through May 20, though NO STORYTIMES Feb. 4 or March 18.
- Art Club for Families with Deckard: Sat., Jan. 18 from 10 - 11:30. Join us for a spring art series for all ages. In our first session, Deckard will teach us to use model magic to create sculptures. Everyone is welcome.
- Also on Sat., Jan. 18 at 11 a.m. join us for our first 2025 Neighborhood Book Schmooze. We'll talk books: what we've been reading lately, what books have stuck to our ribs, what's on the nightstand. You'll come away with book suggestions and ideas.
Additional upcoming events can also be found on the City events calendar.
Take care,
Regina Vidaver