Country Grove Park- Bike Optimized Singletrack

June 4, 2024 Update

Take our survey!

Parks is asking for your input on this project.  Please complete the survey at the following link.

The survey will remain open until July 5th.  Survey responses received by the June 27th public meeting will be tabulated and data will be presented at the meeting.

View past project updates »

Project Details

  • Location

    • Country Grove Park
      7353 East Pass
      Madison, WI 53719
  • Status

  • Estimated Schedule

  • Impact

  • Alder District

    District 7

Country Grove Park

Project Information

Parks will construct approximately 1.2 miles of natural surface, bike-optimized singletrack trail at Country Grove Park in 2025.  The trail will be open to bikes and other non-motorized uses such as hiking, walking, and snowshoeing.

Portions of the trail will be covered in a natural stone chip seal surface while others would be constructed of native soil, stone, and wood.  The project will be built by a professional trail builder with experience in constructing bike-optimized singletrack. 

A similar project was constructed at Aldo Leopold Park and Cannonball Path in 2021 and another is underway in 2024 at Sycamore Park. 

Trail construction such as this uses techniques such as bermed turns, rollers, and technical trail features to enhance the experience of riding bikes off-road and make riding fun.  Trail difficulty is proposed to range from "easy" to "moderate" with a ride around optional lines for technical features.

Trail construction methods used by professional trail builders use a combination of machinery and hand work to shape a trail tread.  The tread is carefully constructed to minimize erosion, create a firm and sustainable tread, protect trees, and create a safe and predictable experience.  The professionally built trail lets riders choose their level of risk and excitement in a predictable manner.  After trail construction is complete, the disturbed area will restored with native vegetation and managed by Parks.

The need for natural surface trails has been communicated to Madison Parks over the past two decades.  While the communities surrounding Madison on the south and west sides have many miles of single track, opportunities on the east side remain scarce.
To best determine locations for trails, Parks underwent a city-wide planning process in 2020 to develop a vision of an urban singletrack network.  That planning process and details can be found on the MadBAT project page.

A Master Plan for Country Park was completed in 2023 that identified recreational biking and an amenity to be added to the Park.  See Country Grove Park Master Plan for that planning process including recordings of public meetings.

*Note- If you are having trouble with the image resolution please email Parks staff for a full size copy.

Country Grove Park- Singletrack Concept Plan


Project Updates

Take our survey!

Parks is asking for your input on this project.  Please complete the survey at the following link.

The survey will remain open until July 5th.  Survey responses received by the June 27th public meeting will be tabulated and data will be presented at the meeting.

Public Information Meeting

Parks held a virtual Public Information Meeting on the project on Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 5pm.  If you were unable to attend and have questions or would like to share feedback, please contact Project Engineer Corey Stelljes at or (608) 266-6518.
"The PowerPoint slides from the public meeting are available for download in PDF format." 


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