
City of Madison basemap showing lakes, roads, and other features of the city.
  • Safe Streets Projects

    Projects to improve safety and connectivity across the city.

  • Safe Streets for All Projects

    Projects funded by the Safe Streets for All federal grants to eliminate serious and fatal crashes.

  • Signal and Lighting Projects

    Projects to improve and update street lighting, signals and other lighting throughout Madison.

  • Engineering Projects

    Projects, big and small, that have elements both above the street and below.  This can include major repairs to resurfacing.

  • Vision Zero Projects

    Projects to improve safety for everyone moving about the city, whether walking, biking, driving and riding transit; and to improve the identified high injury locations, all in an effort to prevent fatal crashes and severe injuries.

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Por favor comuníquese con nosotros si necesita interpretación, traducción, o adaptaciones.

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Do you have a request that would make our streets safer?

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Found an issue with a traffic signal, streetlight, or traffic sign?

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