AASPIRE Program Benefits
Management Benefits
Managers who host AASPIRE Interns will mentor individuals from diverse backgrounds. They gain supervisory experience and experience working with individuals from diverse backgrounds.
Intern Benefits
AASPIRE Interns will have a chance to explore and establish career goals. Meaningful work experience activities will cultivate Interns’ specific areas of interests.
Interns will acquire practical experience of interviewing for employment. Interns will gain experience in public service. AASPIRE Interns are eligible to apply for positions limited to City employees for up to 6 months after completing their internship.
City Benefit
The City of Madison can hope to gain future employment candidates who are highly qualified affirmative action target group members familiar with the structure and functions of City government.
This initiative will foster greater collaboration between the City agencies that choose to participate in this project.
Affirmative Action Division Reception
The Affirmative Action Division will host a Retreat/Reception for the interns. Program participants will meet and to share experiences. An important aspect to this experience is the opportunity for the interns to come together with the Affirmative Action Manager and program staff who can be supportive to affirmative action group member needs. Interns, their supervisors, and Affirmative Action Division staff are invited to participate at this event.