The primary goal of the City of Madison Department of Civil Rights training programs is to teach and raise awareness surrounding Civil Rights afforded to the public. The standard 90 minute Discrimination Trainings listed below are free.
- Arrest/Conviction Record Discrimination
- Disability Rights
- Discrimination and Workers Rights
- Fair Employment Practices
- Gender Identity/Sexual Orientation
- Homelessness & Physical Appearance Discrimination
- RaISE: Referrals and Interviews for Sustainable Employment
- National Origin/Ancestry Discrimination
- Race and Color Discrimination
- Sex Discrimination & Harassment
- Social Media
The Specialized Trainings listed below last 3-4 hours, and there is a $50 per person fee for these specialized trainings. (There may be additional costs for larger groups and trainings outside of the City)
Bias/Implicit Training
LGBTQ+ Awareness
Workplace Equity
Identifying Ableism (A social justice model of Disability)
To get more information and details about the specific courses available, or to request a training, please see the below Training Opportunities links.
Training Opportunities
- Request a Training
- Available Trainings
- Community Partner Training & Certified Community Partner Program
- Dane County Job Center Trainings
Photography Disclaimer
Photography, audio, and video recording may take place at any City of Madison Department of Civil Rights training. By attending a training you consent to photography, audio recording, video recording and the publication to be used for our website, social media, and other promotional purposes. Photos and/or videos may be used to promote similar events/trainings in the future.