Equity Action (Affirmative Action) Plans
The City of Madison is an employer committed to ensuring affirmative action, equal opportunity, and nondiscrimination in compliance with Madison General Ordinance Chapter 39, and federal and state laws.
This means that affirmative action and equal opportunity principles will be applied to all employment policies, procedures and programs. This is consistent with the City of Madison’s leadership and progress in achieving and ensuring diversity in the workplace.
The newly named Equity Action Plan is reflective of the principles adopted through resolution by the Common Council. Through the work of several interagency teams it was established that a plan inclusive of equity principles, and targeted toward the needs of individual departments, was necessary in order to progress towards rebalancing equity within City practices.
The Citywide Equity Action Plan includes the individual agency plans, which are submitted to the Mayor and Common Council for approval. All agency heads shall adhere to the goals, timetables and procedures.