Can I Operate a business out of my home?
Do I need a license from the City to operate my business?
How do I check up on a business?
Who can I complain to about a business?
Does the City have money to help me start or expand my business?
Can I operate a business out of my home?
- Some limited businesses may be operated out of a home. Contact Zoning at 608-266-4551 or zoning@cityofmadison.com to find out more.
Do I need a license from the City of Madison to operate my business?
- There is no general City of Madison business license. However, there are businesses that require a license from the City. These include businesses that sell food, alcohol and secondhand merchandise.
- Please check with the City of Madison Clerk's Office to see if your business will require a license from the City.
How do I check up on a business? Who can I complain to about a business?
- If your concern is about a landlord or housing safety issue in the City of Madison contact the City Building Inspection Department and "Report a Problem".
- If your concern is about another type of business in Madison you can contact the State of Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection.
- You can also find information about Wisconsin businesses and file complaints with the Wisconsin Better Business Bureau
Does the City have money to help me start my business?
- Please visit the City's Business Financial Assistance page for information on City and partner financial programs for businesses.
Last Updated: 10/02/2024
Contact the Office of Business Resources
Office of Business Resources
(608) 267-4933