Resources for the Madison Community Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.
Top of State Vending Overlay District (“TOSVOD”)
If you do not have one already, you must create an account on the Licenses & Permits portal to fill out the application.
All vendors applying for a TOSVOD license must first be issued a Street Vendor license.
Once you login to your account go to the Licenses/Registrations section, select Apply for a License/Registration and then choose Vending - TOSVOD.
About the TOSVOD
The Top of State Vending Overlay District ("TOSVOD") is an overlay of the State Street Mall/Capitol Concourse Vending Area (Philosopher's Grove and 30 on the Square - where State Street meets the Capitol Square). There is high volume of pedestrian traffic, transit, delivery and vehicle traffic making this area appropriate for additional street vending opportunities. The TOSVOD will increase vending opportunities beyond what is currently permitted in the Mall/Concourse vending area. The TOSVOD was established to encourage retail business incubators, micro-business, and entrepreneur opportunities with an emphasis on products that translate to brick and mortar retail to vend in the district.
Vending Area
This overlay district is close proximity to businesses, the State Historical Museum, the Veterans' Museum, the State Capitol, and residential uses between North Carroll and West Mifflin Streets. See map of area and vending sites.
Approved Vending
- Mobile Merchant Vending: To extend opportunities for businesses that currently hold a Merchant Vending license, these businesses may vend in the TOSVOD area.
- Food: Licensed TOSVOD vendors may sell farmers' market products and value-added food products from a TOSVOD site.
- Handcrafted Goods: Licensed TOSVOD vendors and licensed Arts and Crafts Vendors may sell handcrafted goods from a TOSVOD site.
- Upcycled Goods: Goods that are created by re-using discarded objects or material in such a way as to create a product of higher value than the original parts may be sold by a licensed TOSVOD vendor in a TOSVOD site.
- Other Goods: Licensed TOSVOD vendors may sell other goods, not listed above. For example, manufactured and fair trade items. These products are sold with the intent that the vendor could eventually become a brick and mortar retailer, and are not merchandise that comes from a consultant-driven business that prohibits brick and mortar stores as a part of its businesses model.
- Mall/Concourse Food Vending: Any designated Mall/Concourse food vending sites within the TOSVOD shall remain in effect.
- Satellite Sidewalk Cafés: To be eligible a restaurant must be located within or directly adjacent to the TOSVOD perimeter.
The hours for vending in the TOSVOD are 9:00 am - 8:00 pm., Sunday through Friday, Saturdays, 3:00 pm - 8:00 pm with the following exceptions:
- Licensed Mall/Concourse Food Vendors with active assigned spots may vend during regular vending hours which are permitted for that license.
- On dates and times during which a Street Use Permit (for example, Art Fair on the Square, Taste of Madison, Safety Saturday) has been issued for an event in this area, the Street Use Permit shall supersede the TOSVOD vending activities.
- Vending in the TOSVOD has to follow the Snowfall Procedures for Food, Arts/Crafts and Late Night Vendors.