1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.


When the City works within the Public Right of Way, it can be disruptive and often times, prompt a lot of questions from the community. We want to make sure we provide resources for you so you can understand when different parts of the process impact you.

Land Surveyor On My Street? What's Going On?
With so many City agencies working in our community, land surveyors often make visits to areas of the City. If you see one, here's what you need to know about why they're there.

Mystery Markings
One day your lawn is green, and the next there may be a mark painted in the grass. Learn why a series of flags or paint lines may appear in front of your property at any time.

Public Right of Way
The City works within the Public Right of Way, but understanding where that boundary is can be confusing. Learn about where the boundary typically is in relation to your yard.

Street Project Stakeholders
When your road is ripped up and you have questions, knowing which city agency to ask to get an answer can feel cumbersome. Learn about who does what in a typical road reconstruction project so you can get answers quicker.

We often get a lot of questions about what happens within the terrace during a road reconstruction project. Here learn about different resources, policies and information related to the green patch of grass within the public right of way.

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