Resurfacing Program
The Annual Street Resurfacing Program is designed to improve the quality of your street and delay the need for total reconstruction. The City Engineering Division rates streets and curb & gutter every two years.

Streets with a pavement rating of 5 or less on a scale of 1-10 (10 being a new street) and a curb & gutter rating of six or greater are ideal candidates.
The Resurfacing Program includes spot replacement of curb and gutter where needed. The existing pavement is milled or pulverized and a new layer of asphalt is placed. The goal of resurfacing and preventative maintenance is to extend the life of the street 30 years or more before a full reconstruction project is necessary.
The number of miles of streets resurfaced with this program varies from year to year but averages around five miles per year. Streets are scheduled based on the pavement ratings and streets with higher volumes of traffic are higher priority.
View the full, updated list of resurfacing projects underway right now on the City's projects page.