Route 616

AM serves: Roanne, Dream, Freese, Brandenburg, Valor, Crested Owl, Marsh, Agriculture, Femrite, Dutch Mill, and E Broadway.
PM serves: Agriculture, Femrite, Dutch Mill, E Broadway, Meinders, Great Gray, Marsh, Roanne, Dream, Freese, Brandenburg, Valor, and Crested Owl.

Tipo de Servicio: Suplementario

*This route is open to the general public and operates ONLY on days that the Madison Metropolitan School District is in session.

Ruta 616 enviar descripción por texto


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Marsh // Pflaum // LaFollette HS

* This route is open to the general public and operates ONLY on days that the Madison Metropolitan School District is in session.

Marsh and YesterdayMarsh and VogesPflaum and LaFollette HS
7:31 am7:43 am7:55 am

Pflaum // LaFollette HS // Owl Creek

*This route is open to the general public and operates ONLY on days that the Madison Metropolitan School District is in session.

Pflaum and LaFolletteGreat Gray Dr. and Owl CreekCrested Owl and Meinders
3:47 pm4:05 pm4:17 pm

Timepoints are estimated.

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