Route 631

AM serves: Eagle Heights, Lake Mendota, Oxford, Shorewood, Locust, and University.
PM serves: Lake Mendota, Eagle Heights, Oxford, Shorewood, and Locust.

Tipo de Servicio: Suplementario

*This route is open to the general public and operates ONLY on days that the Madison Metropolitan School District is in session.

Ruta 631 enviar descripción por texto


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Eagle Heights // Regent // West HS

*This route is open to the general public and operates ONLY on days that the Madison Metropolitan School District is in session.

Eagle Heights and Lot FShorewood Blvd and OxfordRegent and West HS

Regent // West HS // Eagle Heights

*This route is open to the general public and operates ONLY on days that the Madison Metropolitan School District is in session.

Regent and West HSOxford and WellesleyUniversity Ave. and Midvale

* Timepoints are estimates.

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