Meet Firefighter/EMT Mallory Geurts

Firefighter/EMT Mallory Geurts

Where are you stationed?
I’m at Station 7 (McKenna Blvd.) on the ‘C’ shift.

Why did you want to pursue this career?
I was introduced to firefighting at a young age through my uncle. I thought that it was such a cool career to be in. The comradery, the family that you become with your crew, the physicality of the job, and the fact that every day is different you never know what you will see or do that day. But really, the coolest thing about this career is the fact that every day you come into work, you get to help people in some way and have positive impacts on their lives. 

Why did you want to work for the Madison Fire Department?
What inspired me to join the Madison Fire Department were some current Madison firefighters that I have had the opportunity to work with and be mentored by both through my military career and on the job with Sun Prairie Fire and Rescue. Every single one of the Madison firefighters I’ve encountered or had the pleasure to work with embody all the traits and qualities of great firefighters and leaders. They were professional, driven, knowledgeable, and had a lot of passion for this job. I want nothing more than to strive to be a part of an organization that is filled with great people like that. 

What is something you’ve come to enjoy doing that is uniquely Madison?
Something that I really enjoy doing that is uniquely Madison is going to the farmers markets on the square on Saturdays in the summer.

What has been the most rewarding part of your experience so far?
I think the most rewarding part of this job for me is getting to put on the uniform each and every day on shift and getting to give back and help the community I live in. Also getting to see the positive impact that you can have on someone's life is a pretty awesome thing.

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison Fire Department.

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