Physical Ability Test
The Physical Ability Test (PAT) consists of a series of events that simulate firefighting activities (e.g. dragging hoses, carrying equipment, searching for and rescuing victims).
It is never too early to start training to become a firefighter. Building strength and endurance is important in passing the exam and in keeping up with the physical demands of the position if hired.
Future firefighters are encouraged to have a general knowledge of the physical demands of the job and the testing they may be required to accomplish. We recommend that you take your physical fitness seriously, not only to be a more prepared candidate but to have a long, healthy career as a firefighter, regardless of where you may be employed.
Note: The Department's Physical Ability Test should be viewed ONLY via this website. Any other versions found outside of our website may be inaccurate.
- Intro to Firefighter Fitness Booklet, Fire Rescue Fitness
This tool is available to use at your discretion and in no way guarantees successful completion of the test.