The Madison Fire Department offers:
- 14 fire stations
- 420 commissioned and non-commissioned staff
- An average of 30,000 calls per year among fire, EMS, and special teams
- Cutting-edge training and state-of-the-art equipment
- Peer Support services
- Professional development and room for advancement
- Generous community and government support
The City of Madison Fire Department doesn’t just practice diversity, we embrace it. The people who make up the Madison Fire Department come from all parts of the United States. We vary in culture as well as educational background. Some of our people are the product of generations of fire personnel and some had no experience until becoming a member of our Department.
Our Values
Our five core values are: Honesty, Integrity, Caring, Compassion, and Respect.
A Place to Flourish
The MFD strives to create a work environment where each individual is valued. This is a workplace where individuals are challenged and motivated to do their best work every day.
An International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Diversity Initiative report ranked the Department #1 for excellent diversity for all groups. The IAFF specifically addressed under-representation of people of color and LGBTQ+ members of the fire service.
We remain committed to hiring firefighters who are a true reflection of the community we serve.
Safe Workplace, Safe Community
It’s an ambitious goal: Our service to the community demands that we anticipate risks and address them with innovative approaches that meet people at their point of need.
Our promise as an organization is that all personnel are given the tools and the support they require to work together comfortably and effectively.
Much of that support is in the form of ongoing training. Our readiness as a Department depends on learning and practicing new techniques.

About Madison
Madison celebrates a reputation as one of the best places to live in the United States with amenities like lakefronts, parks, and recreational areas, while also serving as the seat of state government and home to a Big 10 university. Madison boasts a population of 252,000 with continuous growth and economic development.