Cuv npe rau rooj sab laj Yuav Tsum Muaj JavaScript Koj yuav tsum qhib siv JavaScript txhawm siv daim ntawv no. Thov qhib siv JavaScript thiab rub nplooj ntawv tawm dua. Yog tias koj tsis tuaj yeem qhib JavaScript tau, thov hu rau txhawm muab koj cov ntaub ntawv. Lub rooj sib tham no yuav muaj ua lus Askiv. Thov hu rau peb yog tias:Koj xav tau kev txhais lus, txhais lus, lossis kev pabKoj xav xa ib tsab ntawv tawm tswv yim rau lub rooj sib tham noKoj muaj daim ntawv qhia rau cov tswv cuabKoj xav tau kev pab rau daim ntawv no Koj tuaj yeem xa email @email, lossis mus rau lub rooj sib tham cov txheej txheem nrhiav tus xov tooj.Koj tuaj yeem mus rau lub rooj sib tham cov txheej txheem txhawm rau nrhiav cov ntaub ntawv tiv tauj. Lub Rooj Sab Laj - Select -Sustainable Madison Committee: 02/24/2025 4:30pm tav suHumanitarian Award Commission, Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.: 02/24/2025 6:00pm tav suBuilding Code, Fire Code, Conveyance Code and Licensing Board: 02/25/2025 1:00pm tav suCommon Council Executive Committee: 02/25/2025 4:30pm tav suCommon Council: 02/25/2025 6:30pm tav suAlcohol License Review Committee: 02/26/2025 12:00pm tav suGreater Madison Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Technical Coordinating Committee: 02/26/2025 1:00pm tav suBoard of Public Works: 02/26/2025 4:30pm tav suMadison Metropolitan Sewerage District Commission: 02/27/2025 8:00am sawv ntxovJoint Campus Area Committee: 02/27/2025 4:45pm tav suCity-County Homeless Issues Committee: 03/03/2025 5:30pm tav su Txheej txheem # 1. Public Comment 2. Amending various portions of Section 29.40 of the Madison General Ordinances to update language and requirements of the Building Energy Savings Code. 3. Update from Madison Metro on the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System 4. Annual Partner Presentation from Sustain Dane 5. Presentation on Municipal Composting from 350 Wisconsin 6. Update on Federal Grants Saib tag nrho cov txheej txheem (ua lus Askiv). Saib tag nrho cov txheej txheem (ua lus Askiv). Saib tag nrho cov txheej txheem (ua lus Askiv). Saib tag nrho cov txheej txheem (ua lus Askiv). Saib tag nrho cov txheej txheem (ua lus Askiv). Saib tag nrho cov txheej txheem (ua lus Askiv). Saib tag nrho cov txheej txheem (ua lus Askiv). Saib tag nrho cov txheej txheem (ua lus Askiv). Saib tag nrho cov txheej txheem (ua lus Askiv). Saib tag nrho cov txheej txheem (ua lus Askiv). Saib tag nrho cov txheej txheem (ua lus Askiv). Cov txheej txheem: 1 84854 Public Comment Cov txheej txheem: 2 86923 Amending various portions of Section 29.40 of the Madison General Ordinances to update language and requirements of the Building Energy Savings Code. Cov txheej txheem: 3 87247 Update from Madison Metro on the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System Cov txheej txheem: 4 87248 Annual Partner Presentation from Sustain Dane Cov txheej txheem: 5 87249 Presentation on Municipal Composting from 350 Wisconsin Cov txheej txheem: 6 87250 Update on Federal Grants Cov txheej txheem: 1 87327 Public Comment (February 24, 2025) Cov txheej txheem: 2 81737 Debrief King Coalition Program Cov txheej txheem: 3 86802 Debrief 2025 Nomination & Selection Process Cov txheej txheem: 4 86146 2025 Meeting Schedule Cov txheej txheem: 5 80966 Future Agenda Topics Cov txheej txheem: 1 62199 Building Board of Appeals Public Comment Period Cov txheej txheem: 2 86743 1101 S Thompson Dr Cov txheej txheem: 3 86755 428 S Yellowstone DR Cov txheej txheem: 4 87328 2462 Atwood Ave Cov txheej txheem: 5 8598 Communications and Announcements Cov txheej txheem: 1 87286 Celebrating March 8, 2025, as International Women's Day in the City of Madison Cov txheej txheem: 4 87074 Approving Plans, Specifications, And Schedule Of Assessments For Meyer Avenue Assessment District - 2025 (District 11). Cov txheej txheem: 5 86649 SUBSTITUTE: Repealing and recreating Section 28.185 and creating Section 41.28 of the Madison General Ordinances related to demolition of buildings to update the approval processes. Cov txheej txheem: 6 86650 Amending Sections in Chapter 28 of the Madison General Ordinances related to single-family homes, accessory dwelling units, and small residential infill projects. Cov txheej txheem: 7 87042 Report of the Mayor submitting resident committee appointments (introduction 2-11-2025; action 2-25-2025). Cov txheej txheem: 8 87290 Report of the Mayor submitting resident committee appointments (introduction 2-25-2025; action 3-11-2025). Cov txheej txheem: 9 87003 Submitting the appointment of Connie Thompson for confirmation of a five-year term as Monona Terrace Director. Cov txheej txheem: 10 87005 Submitting the appointment of Matthew B. Mikolajewski for confirmation of a five-year term as Director of Economic Development. Cov txheej txheem: 11 85936 Confirming the Madison Common Council meeting formats through June 17, 2025: 3/11/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) 3/25/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) 4/15/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) 5/6/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) 5/20/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) 6/3/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) 6/17/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) Cov txheej txheem: 12 86918 Approving temporary construction work with associated noise impacts between the hours of 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM for work associated with Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District West Interceptor Rehab-Segoe Road to Shorewood Boulevard Project (University Avenue). (District 5, District 11) Cov txheej txheem: 13 86919 Declaring the City of Madison's intention to exercise its police powers establishing the John Nolen Drive Reconstruction Assessment District -2025. (District 4, District 13) Cov txheej txheem: 14 87018 Approving temporary construction work with associated noise impacts between the hours of 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM for work associated with City of Madison cured in place sewer main lining project #14923. (District 14) Cov txheej txheem: 15 87056 Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for South Madison Demolitions and Site Restorations. (District 14) Cov txheej txheem: 16 87057 Accepting sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and street improvements (including bituminous surface pavement) constructed by Private Contract In 4649 Verona Road, Private Contract No. 9231 (District 10). Cov txheej txheem: 17 87058 Accepting sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and street improvements (excluding bituminous surface pavement) constructed by Private Contract In Acacia Ridge Phase 9, Private Contract No. 9260 (District 9). Cov txheej txheem: 18 87059 Accepting sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and street improvements (excluding bituminous surface pavement) constructed by Private Contract In Western Addition to 1000 Oaks Phase 4, Private Contract No. 9221 (District 9). Cov txheej txheem: 19 87060 Accepting street improvements (including bituminous surface pavement) constructed by Private Contract In 3201 Anderson Street - MATC Parking, Private Contract No. 2243 (District 17). Cov txheej txheem: 20 87061 Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Chip Sealing 2025 - South. (District 14) Cov txheej txheem: 21 87062 Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Chip Sealing 2025 - West. (District 9, District 11 and District 19) Cov txheej txheem: 22 87063 Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Repairing and Sealing Pavement Cracks - Local Streets 2025. (Citywide) Cov txheej txheem: 23 87064 Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Repairing and Sealing Pavement Cracks - Major Streets 2025. (Citywide) Cov txheej txheem: 24 87065 Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 320 S. Brearly Street CSM and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9629 (District 6) Cov txheej txheem: 25 87069 Approving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve Phase 17 of the Subdivision known as Village at Autumn Lake and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contracts 9579 and 9580 (District 17) Cov txheej txheem: 26 87070 Declaring the City of Madison's intention to exercise its police powers establishing the Davidson St, Park Ct, Maher Ave, Gary St Reconstruction Assessment District - 2025. (District 15) Cov txheej txheem: 27 87071 Awarding Public Works Contract No. 8769, North Shore Drive Path And East Madison Bikeways: Safe Streets. (District 4, District 12, District 15) Cov txheej txheem: 28 87072 Awarding Public Works Contract No. 9616, Truax Apartments PV - Roofing Alterations. (District 12) Cov txheej txheem: 29 87075 Assessing Benefits for 3400 Block East Washington Ave Sewer Replacement.(District 12) Cov txheej txheem: 30 87291 Authorizing the City Attorney, in consultation with the Mayor, to join the City as amicus in any cases related to the continuation of federal funding which supports or affects the City of Madison, its residents, businesses, nonprofit organization, or cultural or educational institutions located in the City. Cov txheej txheem: 31 86606 SUBSTITUTE: Amending Section 3.70 of the Madison General Ordinances related to Public Records to align with current technology, City practices, and State law. Cov txheej txheem: 32 86994 Amending various sections of the Madison General Ordinances to correct inconsistencies and improper references in the Madison General Ordinances, constituting a 2025 City Attorney Revisor’s Ordinance. Cov txheej txheem: 33 86775 Amending the Engineering Bicycle & Pedestrian and Planning Adopted Capital Budgets to transfer existing GO budget authority from Engineering - Major Streets to Planning for the Percent for Art Aggregate Fund related to the Pheasant Branch Greenway Enhancement Project (District 9). Cov txheej txheem: 34 86863 Authorizing a non-competitive purchase of goods from Jefferson Fire & Safety, Inc., as a sole source provider of 3M Scott fire and safety products serving Dane County, WI that is trained and authorized to provide these products. Cov txheej txheem: 35 86954 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a non-competitive Purchase of Services Contract with The Welch Group for government affairs and strategic advocacy services for one year with the option of two one-year renewals. Cov txheej txheem: 36 86967 Recreate the hourly classification of Consultant in the salary schedule of CG17, R00 with an updated pay range of $30-$70 per hour, and eligibility for COLA increases. Cov txheej txheem: 37 86973 Approving business outreach efforts and authorizing the use of $25,000 from the EDD Capital Project # 13072 Small Business Equity and Recover (SBER) Program. Cov txheej txheem: 38 86983 Authorizing the termination of the existing Ground Lease and executing a new Ground Lease for the residential structure located at 704 East Gorham Street, within James Madison Park. (District 6) Cov txheej txheem: 39 86986 Amending the 2025 Economic Development Division Capital Budget for TID #44 by $500,000 to fund small business development programs, amending the 2025 Economic Development Division Capital Budget for TID #46 by $750,000 to fund small business development programs, amending the 2025 Economic Development Division Capital Budget for TID #51 by $850,000 to fund small business development programs, and amending the 2025 Economic Development Division Capital Budget to transfer $1,170,000 from the TID 51 capital program (program #99011) to the Land Banking program (program #12640) to fund demolitions of Land Banked properties at 1810 S. Park Street, 1901 S. Park Street, 814 North Avenue, and 826 North Avenue (District 3, District 9, District 11, District 14, District 15, District 19). Cov txheej txheem: 40 86987 Authorizing a non-competitive selection contract with Water Well Solutions Wisconsin, LLC for the repair and replacement of water supply equipment at Unit Well 26 Cov txheej txheem: 41 87040 Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into a contract with Spaulding Restaurant Enterprises Inc d/b/a Kavanaugh’s Esquire Club for exclusive alcohol beverage services at the Warner Park Community Recreation Center (WPCRC) from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2026, with the possibility of two successive two-year renewal terms. (District 12) Cov txheej txheem: 42 87067 Authorizing the City of Madison to apply to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for a Ready for Reuse Brownfields Cleanup zero-interest loan in an amount not to exceed $329,000 for the purpose of assisting in the remediation of contaminated soil at Huxley Yards (2007 Roth Street). (District 12) Cov txheej txheem: 43 87158 Authorizing amendments to the term sheet authorized by Legistar File No. 86170 regarding a Tax Incremental Finance Loan to EC Residential LLC, or its assigns, and a grant to the CDA related to the construction of affordable housing at 5546 Element Way in the University Research Park and Tax Incremental District (TID) 46 (District 19). Cov txheej txheem: 44 85966 Chief of Police 4th Quarter Report: Interim Chief John Patterson, Madison Police Department Cov txheej txheem: 45 86737 Approving the revised preliminary plat of Hill Valley on property addressed as 940-1050 S High Point Road, 1051 S Pleasant View Road, and 902 Landmark Trail (District 1). Cov txheej txheem: 46 86738 Approving the final plat of Hill Valley on portions of the properties addressed as 1050 S High Point Road and 1051 S Pleasant View Road (District 1). Cov txheej txheem: 47 86827 Establishing a Glass-Free Zone for the Mifflin Street area from 6:00 a.m. on April 26, 2025 to 6:00 a.m. on April 27, 2025. (District 4) Cov txheej txheem: 48 87041 SUBSTITUTE: Authorizing the Chief of Police to enter into an agreement for traffic regulation enforcement between the City of Madison Police Department and the owner(s) of a privately owned, manufactured or mobile home community, located within the City of Madison. Cov txheej txheem: 49 86800 D. Allen - Vehicle Damage - $3,000.00 Cov txheej txheem: 50 87008 E. Mulcahy-Akins - Personal Injury - $20,923.00 Cov txheej txheem: 51 86923 Amending various portions of Section 29.40 of the Madison General Ordinances to update language and requirements of the Building Energy Savings Code. Cov txheej txheem: 52 86856 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a competitively-selected contract on behalf of the City with Graef-USA, Inc. to provide consulting engineering services for maintenance of City of Madison Parking Division facilities. Cov txheej txheem: 53 86999 Authorizing Intergovernmental Agreements with the University of Wisconsin-Madison to Address the Removal of Certain On-Street Parking Spaces on Monroe Street and N. Brooks Street (District 5, District 8). Cov txheej txheem: 54 87013 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements with the Village of Cottage Grove for the operation and maintenance of traffic control signals and street lights at various locations. Cov txheej txheem: 55 86832 Report dated January 28, 2025 re: Board, Committee, Commission, Ad Hoc Committee and Subcommittee Members who have not filed the Statement of Interests Form. Cov txheej txheem: 56 86739 Approving a Certified Survey Map of property owned by Audrey M. and Thomas Martorana and Dennis M. and Deanna S. DiCarlantionio located at 1937 Arlington Place and 2013-2021 Chamberlain Avenue, University Heights Historic District (District 5). Cov txheej txheem: 2 86259 Operator License Application Stormy R Louis Cov txheej txheem: 3 86496 Operator License Application Shyanne M Felton- Establishment where employed: Momo's Cov txheej txheem: 4 4 Recommendation on Amendments to 2050 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and 2025-2029 TIP Cov txheej txheem: 5 5 Recommendation on Policies and Scoring Criteria for STBG Transportation Alternatives Set Aside Program Projects Cov txheej txheem: 1 87287 Public Comments for Items not on the Agenda. Cov txheej txheem: 3 87317 Consider a Report of the City Engineer regarding the results of a review of water resources impacts and the necessity of permits for public works construction projects on this agenda and addendum to the agenda. Cov txheej txheem: 5 87240 Change Order No. 1 to Contract 8712, Lowell Street Assessment District 2024 (District 13), to Speedway Sand & Gravel, Inc., for $60,347.33. (District 13) Cov txheej txheem: 6 87261 Change Order No. 6 to Contract 9358, Bartillon Shelter, to Miron Construction Co., Inc., for $76,550.11, and a completion date of 12/10/25 (40 days). (District 12) Cov txheej txheem: 7 87305 Change Order No. 18 to Contract 9361, State Street Campus Garage Replacement, to Stevens Construction Corp., for $120,289.38. (District 2) Cov txheej txheem: 8 87266 Authorizing the City’s execution of a Purchase and Sale Agreement between Femrite Properties LLC and the City of Madison for the disposal of City-owned vacant land located at 4937 Femrite Drive. (District 16) Cov txheej txheem: 9 87269 Authorizing the City’s execution of a 5-year lease agreement with Rooted WI, Inc, with one 5-year renewal option, related to 17 community gardens located on City-owned land across the city (District 4, District 6, District 10, District 11, District 12, District 13, District 14, District 15, District 16, District 20). Cov txheej txheem: 10 86997 Approving roadway geometry for the Mineral Point Road (Commerce Drive to S. High Point Road) & S. High Point Road (Mineral Point Road to north Greenway Drainage Property) (District 1) Cov txheej txheem: 11 87244 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a revised State/Municipal Agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for Project I.D. 5992-10-19/20, for Mineral Point Road (USH 12 to High Point Road) (District 9) Cov txheej txheem: 12 87209 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to amend and extend an existing competitively selected service contract with Mead and Hunt for architectural and engineering services for the Metro Transit Maintenance Facility (1 S Ingersoll St; formally 1101 E Washington Ave) Facility Upgrade, Phase 3B. (District 6) Cov txheej txheem: 13 87254 Accepting parkland improvements constructed by Private Contract for Western Addition to 1000 Oaks, Private Contract No. 9388. (District 1) Cov txheej txheem: 14 87255 Accepting storm sewer, street, and terrace improvements constructed by Private Contract for 601 W Dayton Street - UW Hockey/Swim, Private Contract No. 2269 (District 4). Cov txheej txheem: 15 87294 Approving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve the Subdivision known as The Crest At Eagle Trace and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contracts 9599, 9600, and 9601 (District 9) Cov txheej txheem: 16 87296 Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 414 W Washington Avenue and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9630. (District 4) Cov txheej txheem: 17 87303 Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 6702 Mader Drive and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9639. (District 7) Cov txheej txheem: 18 87304 Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 2430 E Washington Avenue CSM and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9632. (District 12) Cov txheej txheem: 19 87306 Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as Madison Yards at Hill Farms - Public Improvements Phase 5 and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9641. (District 11) Cov txheej txheem: 20 87252 Declaring the City of Madison's intention to exercise its police powers establishing the Pflaum Road Resurfacing Assessment District - 2025. (District 15) Cov txheej txheem: 21 87226 Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Country Grove Singletrack Trail Improvements 2025. (District 7) Cov txheej txheem: 22 87251 Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for CIPP 2025 Water Main Rehabilitation. (District 10) Cov txheej txheem: 24 87320 Updates to Complete Green Streets Guide Pertaining to Trees and Distributed Green Infrastructure (DGI). Cov txheej txheem: 25 87241 Subcontractor list for Contract 9583, CCB Remodel - DCR 104 & 108, to Tri-North Builders, Inc., for 65.27%. (District 4) Cov txheej txheem: 26 87263 Awarding Public Works Contract No. 8766, N Franklin and Lynn Terrace Assessment District - 2025 (District 5) Cov txheej txheem: 27 87307 Awarding Public Works Contract No. 8789, Annual Construction & Reconstruction of Concrete Sidewalk & Incidental Curb & Gutter Work Ordered (District 20) by the Common Council. (District 20) Cov txheej txheem: 28 87308 Awarding Public Works Contract No. 8790, Annual Horizontal Sawcutting of Concrete Sidewalk & Incidental Work (District 10) - 2025. (District 10) Cov txheej txheem: 29 87309 Awarding Public Works Contract No. 9529, Parks Sun Shelter Installation. (District 1, District 3, District 17) Cov txheej txheem: 30 87314 Awarding Public Works Contract No. 9551, Rennebohm Park Sprayground. (District 11) Cov txheej txheem: 31 87315 Awarding Public Works Contract No. 9621, 2025 Semi-Permanent Epoxy Pavement Markings. (Citywide) Cov txheej txheem: 1 62342 Joint Campus Area Committee Public Comment Cov txheej txheem: 2 85169 Lakeshore Nature Preserve Frautschi Center Cov txheej txheem: 3 51256 University of Wisconsin-Madison Project Updates Cov txheej txheem: 4 66581 UW Health Project Updates Cov txheej txheem: 5 51257 City of Madison Project Updates Cov txheej txheem: 1 87310 Public Comment Cov txheej txheem: 2 87311 Wisconsin State Budget Items Cov txheej txheem: 3 87312 Lived Experience Council (LEC) and Youth Action Board (YAB) Updates and Continued Discussion re: compensation Cov txheej txheem: 4 87313 Staff Report Koj xav txhawb lossis tsis txhawb qhov txheej txheem no? Txhawb Tsis txhawb Tsis xav txhawb los tawm tsam Koj puas xav hais lus Kuv xav hais lus Kuv tsis xav hais lus Kuv tsis xav hais lus, tab sis kuv yeej teb tau yog muaj lus nug. Kev Sawv Cev thiab kev cuam tshuam lossis txhawb tsim cov cai Puas yog koj sawv cev rau ib lub koom haum lossis lwm tus neeg uas tsis yog koj tus kheej ntawm lub rooj sib tham no? Yog Tsis Yog Sau npe, chaw nyob, thiab xov tooj txhua tus neeg lossis koom haum uas koj sawv cev. Puas yog koj raug them nyaij rau koj kev sawv cev? Yog Tsis Yog Koj puas yog sawv kev ib feem los ntawm koj txoj haujlwm vim lub koom haum them nyiaj rau koj? Yog Tsis Yog Koj puas yog ib tug nomtswv raug xaiv los ntawm kev pov npav lossis yog ib tug neeg sawv kev los ntawm chaw haujlwm hauv ib lub nroog, xeev, lossis ua haujlwm rau tsoomfwv? Yog Tsis Yog Yog tias koj tau nyiaj los uas tus sawv cev, lossis koj txoj haujlwm yog los ua tus sawv cev, thov nco ntsoov tias:Ua ntej koj koom nrog kev tos txais ua tus neeg tos txais, koj lossis koj tus thawj tswj hwm yuav tsum tau ua ntawv tso cai rau Lub Nroog Clerk.Koj tus thawj tswj hwm tsis raug tso cai tso cai rau koj mus tos txais tshwj tsis yog tias koj tau sau npe nrog Lub Nroog Clerk.Koj tus thawj tswj hwm yuav tsum xa daim ntawv them nqi nrog Tus Neeg Ua Haujlwm Hauv Lub Nroog rau qhov seem ntawm lub xyoo daim ntawv qhia hnub tsis hais tus nqi siv rau kev tos txais.Yog xav paub ntxiv, thov mus saib nplooj ntawv Lobbyist (ua lus Askiv) lossis mus ntsib Tus Kws Lij Choj Lub Chaw Haujlwm ntawm Lub Tsev Haujlwm Hauv Nroog, Chav 103. Ntaub ntawv Chaw tiv toj Npe Thiab Xeem Email Peb mam li xa email rau koj nrog cov lus qhia yuav ua li cas koom nrog lub rooj sib tham. Xov Tooj Yog tias koj npaj siab hu xovtooj rau lub rooj sib tham, qhov xov tooj koj tso no yuav tsum yog tus xov tooj uas koj hu tuaj, yog tsis yog tus xovtooj tib yam, peb yuav tsis paub tias yog koj thiab yuav tsis tso koj los hais lus. Piv txwv li: 608-555-5555 Chaw Nyob Txoj Kev Chaw Nyob Txoj Kev Chav Lub nroog Lub xeev - Xaiv -AlabamaAlaskaAmerican SamoaArizonaArkansasArmed Forces (Canada, Europe, Africa, or Middle EastArmed Forces AmericasArmed Forces PacificCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFederate States of MicronesiaFloridaGeorgiaGuamHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarshall IslandsMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorthern Mariana IslandsOhioOklahomaOregonPalauPennsylvaniaPuerto RicoRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirgin IslandsVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyoming Tus khauj Xa Ntawv Leave this field blank Yuav Tsum Muaj JavaScript Koj yuav tsum qhib siv JavaScript txhawm siv daim ntawv no. Thov qhib siv JavaScript thiab rub nplooj ntawv tawm dua. Yog tias koj tsis tuaj yeem qhib JavaScript tau, thov hu rau txhawm muab koj cov ntaub ntawv. Nplooj ntawv no puas pab tau koj? Yog Tsis Yog Vim li cas los sis vim li cas thiaj tsis? Leave this field blank Committees Sij Hawm Rooj Sab Laj Saib Rooj Sab Laj Hauv Oos-lais Txhais & Chaw Nyob Apply to be on a Committee Resources for Committee Members Legislative Information