Common Council

Mission Statement

The mission of the Common Council is to represent the residents of Madison by promoting the safety, health, and general well-being of the community by incorporating the City's core values into their work with currently available resources. The Council Office staff supports the alders in these efforts.

Xov xwm Muaj feem cuam

Cov Rooj Sab Laj Tom Ntej

Hnub Tsib Vas Xuv, Cuaj Hlis vas thib 27, Xyoo 2024
Ceeb toom qhia cov neeg ntxim yuav tuaj koom rooj sab laj
3:00pm tav su
Hnub Plaub Vas Phab Hav, Kaum Hlis vas thib 3, Xyoo 2024
Ceeb toom qhia cov neeg ntxim yuav tuaj koom rooj sab laj
6:00pm tav su
Hnub Ob Vas As Qhas, Kaum Hlis vas thib 8, Xyoo 2024 6:30pm tav su
Hnub Peb Vas Phuv, Kaum Hlis vas thib 16, Xyoo 2024
Ceeb toom qhia cov neeg ntxim yuav tuaj koom rooj sab laj
6:00pm tav su
Hnub Plaub Vas Phab Hav, Kaum Hlis vas thib 17, Xyoo 2024
Ceeb toom qhia cov neeg ntxim yuav tuaj koom rooj sab laj
6:00pm tav su

Alder Districts

All Alders

Cheeb Tsam 1, Tus Lwm Thawj Council
Cheeb Tsam 2
Cheeb Tsam 3
Cheeb Tsam 6
Cheeb Tsam 7
Cheeb Tsam 8
Cheeb Tsam 9
Cheeb Tsam 10, Tus Tuam Thawj Council
Cheeb Tsam 11
Cheeb Tsam 13
Cheeb Tsam 14
Cheeb Tsam 16
Cheeb Tsam 17
Cheeb Tsam 18
Cheeb Tsam 19