Bike Path Design
The Engineering Division is responsible for approximately 75 miles of bike & pedestrian path in the City of Madison. The City is committed to providing safe, convenient facilities for bicyclists.
Each year the City evaluates the condition of our paths and plan for repairing paths that are in poor condition. A repair can consist of just crack sealing, small area patching or full resurfacing.
New Path Construction
The Greater Madison MPO developed a Bicycle Transportation Plan for the Madison Metropolitan Area and Dane County. The City consults this plan when developing new areas to ensure new paths as planned are constructed as areas develop. View the plan.
The City will design, contract and inspect the construction of many new paths in the City, as well as design and inspect path construction as part of private developments.
Bicycle Facilities as part of Street Reconstruction or Resurfacing Projects
When each street reconstruction or resurfacing project is designed, it is evaluated for bicycle facilities. Some options included in the design are:

Milwaukee Street
North Bassett Street
University Avenue

North Ingersoll Street

John Nolan Drive
East Washington Avenue