Language Access Program
The City of Madison Language Access Program provides access to City services for individuals with a primary language other than English. We are committed to improving access to our programs, services, and activities. Members of the public have a right to request accommodations, translation, and interpreter services; and a right to meaningfully participate in City services, programs, and activities.
City staff are encouraged to contact the Language Access Program to request services, consultations, and to work with our Bilingual Community Connectors.
The City’s Language Access Plan informs City of Madison’s staff, leaders, elected officials, and sub-contracted vendors on policies, procedures, and practices for meaningful access to City services.
Make sure you are familiar with our On-Demand Interpretation Resources and refer to our Language Access Program Manual for further guidance on our programs and requesting services.
Services Provided
This is the conversion of a written message from one language to another while keeping the intent and meaning of the original message. Types of translation services we provide include documents, surveys, website content, press releases, alternative formats, braille, transcription, prerecorded messages/videos, and Computer-Aided Real-time Translation (CART). Seem more on CART below.
Over-the-Phone Interpretation
The City has a contract with LanguageLine Solutions, an over-the-phone interpretation service that can accommodate over 200 languages and is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Use LanguageLine when:
- a customer phones a City employee,
- an employee needs to call a customer (using call conferencing) with a primary language other than English, or
- when helping a customer in-person by placing a call on speaker.
Each customer service counter should display the Quick Reference Guide, a language identification chart and a please hold chart informing customers that language access services are available along with the materials to help identify an appropriate language.
Access a LanguageLine Interpreter
Dial: 1-866-874-3972
Provide your Client ID Number: 509626
Press 1 for Spanish
Press 2 for all other languages (at the prompt, state the name of the language you need)
Press 0 if you don’t know the language you need
Enter 2 digit agency code, followed by the # sign.
Video Remote Interpretation
Connect to a live interpreter in 41 languages including American Sign Language, on-demand via a smart device, computer or two-way video screen. Video relay interpretation can be used to provide an individual with simultaneous signing or spoken interpretation of a conversation or meeting. This video interpretation app is ideal for sign language interpretation such as American Sign Language (ASL) when an interpreter cannot be scheduled in advance. For all other on-demand interpretation please continue to use the LanguageLine phone number.
All City of Madison computers have the shortcut on desktops. To learn more about how to use the app, please see this demo video and activation guide. The first time you use the app, it will require an authentication code which is in the activation guide. Please practice using the app so you are comfortable with it before you need to use it with a community member. If you do not see the shortcut on your desktop or need help installing the shortcut, please submit a help desk ticket.
Consecutive Interpretation
Consecutive interpreters listen to what the speaker is saying and convey the message into another language after the speaker has paused. Consecutive interpretation is best used for shorter meetings where only one language is being translated. Consecutive interpretation can be used for in-person meetings or virtual meetings.
Simultaneous Interpretation
In simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter converts what the speaker is saying at the same time as the speaker is talking. This type of translation occurs in real-time. The interpreter listens to a speaker and interprets with a few seconds' delay. Simultaneous interpretation is best used for meeting types where communication is one-directional so that simultaneous interpreters are only interpreting in one direction. If your meeting is more than 20 minutes, you might be working with two simultaneous interpreters who will switch back and forth. Ideally, simultaneous interpreters review speeches or other materials available before the event. Depending on the type of meeting, simultaneous interpretation can be used for in-person or virtual meetings.
Zoom Interpretation
Please review the City of Madison Zoom Interpretation Feature Policy which includes information on which types of meetings allow for simultaneous and consecutive interpretation.
CART (Communication Access Real-time Translation)
Provides access to spoken communication for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. It is also referred to as “real-time captioning.” It is defined as the instant translation of spoken English to English text using a computer or real-time software. The text can be displayed on a personal computer, projected onto a screen, or combined with a video.