Bryan St, Daley Dr, James St, Thorp St Reconstruction
Project Details
Project Information
Project is complete.
RG Huston anticipates starting work on this project on May 6. Most of the first week of work will involve preliminary set-up work, including the installation of a temporary water system to serve all properties during the construction of the new sanitary sewer and water mains. MG&E has start work to replace the gas mains in the area.
Project Details
The project includes public utility replacement including sanitary sewer main, force main, and laterals; water main and services; and storm sewer. All of the curb and gutter and drive aprons will be replaced and new asphalt pavement will be constructed. There will be spot repairs of the sidewalk.
City Traffic Engineering is proposing to reconfigure the intersection of Daley Drive/S. Bryan Street/Fair Oaks Avenue. Updated plans are posted here: Preliminary Plans
In addition, a survey sent to Bryan Street residents has resulted in the addition of 3 speed humps to Bryan Street.
The sanitary lift station on James Street, next to the creek, will be replaced during this project. The sanitary sewer pumping station was built in 1959, and as replacement parts are no longer available, the lift station needs to be replaced so that we are able to continue to maintain it.
The eastern (a correction from the fact sheet) bank of Starkweather Creek will be restored as part of this project. The steel bulkhead that holds the bank in place is failing and the streambank needs to be stabilized. The City will be removing the bulkhead and using rock riprap to stabilize the streambank. The existing canoe launch between James Street and Thorp Street will be removed and a new launch will be built on the James Street street end to be more accessible to all neighbors. The James Street location was chosen based on feedback from neighbors. Due to the large equipment needed to pull the bulkhead and place the riprap, there will be considerable tree loss in City-owned land adjacent to the creek. The area will be replanted with native, wetland vegetation. Following the project, the City will review the restored streambank for opportunities to replant native, floodplain tree species. For more information, please view the presentation from the November 7, 2018 public meeting (below).
Construction Schedule
This project has been bid and awarded to RG Huston, Co. In an effort to increase competition in the bidding process, the City allowed for some flexibility on the start date of construction. The work could have started as early as April 15, but, after discussing with the Contractor, they plan to hold off on starting work until later this summer. A specific start date is not know at this time, but a letter will be sent to all properties before starting work. Once construction begins, the project will last approximately 5 ½ months.
Project Limits
S. Bryan Street - S Fair Oaks Ave to Milwaukee St
Daley Drive - West end to Bryan St
James Street - West end to S Fair Oaks Ave
Thorp Street - West end to S Fair Oaks Ave
Starkweather Creek Streambank Repair-Daley Drive to Thorp Street
Public Information Meeting
A Public Information Meeting was held on Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018. A copy of the presentation can be found here:
Street Reconstruction Public Meeting Presentation
An additional Public Information Meeting was held on Wednesday, November 8th, 2018. A copy of the presentation can be found here:
Starkweather Creek Streambank Repair and Street Reconstruction Review Presentation