Staff Presentation on Trees...and a word about Covid


Hi Everyone,

I often hear from residents expressing concern about the loss of trees in the city. The narrative is we are losing a lot more trees than we are replacing. However, that narrative is not accurate.

At last week's Council meeting, staff presented some very interesting material about trees, including the fact that we are planting approximately 1000 more trees than are lost each year.

Here's the video from that presentation:

Madison continues to be recognized annually as an exemplary Tree City. That hasn't changed. The big storm last month caused a lot of damage, and ciity staff responded round the clock to address this major challenge. These are important city services that we've come to expect in Madison.  

Lastly, it's been a long time since I've posted about Covid. However, I tested positive earlier this week, a rude reminder that Covid is still with us. I urge you to keep this in mind, particularly as you travel this summer. 

It's still here and it still packs a wallop.

Take care and stay safe,


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Alder Tag Evers

District 13
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