Burrows Park - Pavement Reconstruction

July 2, 2024 Update

The project survey is now closed and results can be viewed.

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Project Details

  • Status

  • Impact

  • Alder District

    District 12

Project Information

Madison Parks is proposing to reconstruct the parking lot, entrance drives, and asphalt paths in Burrows Park anticipated in 2025.

This page will be updated as the project progresses through the public engagement process, site plan review, bidding, and construction.

Project Summary:

Much of the existing asphalt in Burrows Park is in poor condition and starting to fail.   While considering the asphalt replacement, Parks must take into account several site constraints when designing the lot replacement.  The lot as is currently exists cannot be replaced in it's existing configuration. 

Key points include:

  • Any lot redesign must be include upgrades to modern parking lot standards in accordance with City of Madison ordinances.  These include stormwater treatment, parking islands, and improved turning radii and parking stall dimensions
  • A large portion of the park and some of the lot is within the floodplain and isn't suitable for paving
  • A portion of the entrance/exit drive onto Harbort Dr is within the boundary of an effigy mound and cannot remain
  • There exist many large oak trees that have grown in or over the existing curb and must be protected
  • The City of Madison has committed to improving water quality and managing stormwater runoff to the lakes.  This includes reducing impervious area (asphalt) in our Parks system whenever possible
  • Parks has committed to preserving well-planned access to the Parks system for everyone by providing and slightly increasing available parking and shelter access.  The adopted Park and Open Space Plan identifies a strategy to "Connect the community to water by designing areas for increased water access on public lands, including access for
    low-income populations."

Because of these constraints and considerations, Parks is implementing several modifications to the layout of the park and drives with the project.  Those modifications can be seen on the draft design below and are as follows:

  • New layout of the parking area to include angled parking
  • Changing the entrance and exit drives to one-way traffic in and out
  • Relocating the exit drive to the end of Harbort Drive at the cul-de-sac
  • Removing the existing exit drive nearest the effigy mound and restoring the area to grass
  • Reducing the width of both park entrance and exit drives
    • Note: Both Harbort Dr and Burrows Rd will remain two-way streets

Implementing the proposed park layout provides the following benefits to the site

  • Reducing the impervious area (asphalt) in the park by 44% or 16,000 square feet
  • Removing pavement and any further potential disturbance from the area surrounding the effigy mound
  • Increasing the number of parking stalls from 41 to 51
  • Reducing the treating the amount of stormwater and pollution discharged to Lake Mendota by over 60% compared to existing conditions
  • Protecting our urban forest and the many large oak trees on site by keeping any soil disturbance further away from the trunk

The project is expected to be bid in summer 2024 with construction in fall 2024 or spring 2025.  If you have questions or comments please contact:

*If you are having trouble viewing the attached plan images, contact Parks staff for a full size image file or PDF. 

Burrows Parking Lot Counterclockwise Traffic Flow
Burrows Park Lot- Counter Clockwise Traffic Flow


Will this affect my reservation?
Once 2025 construction dates are determined,reservation times blocked out.  This won't impact existing reservations.
Why is traffic flow being changed to one way in/out of park?  Why are angles parking stalls used?

The one-way traffic pattern is proposed due to a desire to have a more efficient parking lot, which is accomplished through angled stalls that use less space. This drove the decision to have the one way traffic pattern. The one way traffic pattern allows us to have narrower driveways.

What is being done about the water ponding in the lot and park?
New storm inlets will be placed in the lot and at Harbort Dr entrance/exit.  The new lot will be properly graded to direct stormwater to these inlets and ultimately down to Lake Mendota.  
Will there be bio retention basins, ponds, or permeable pavement installed?
Stormwater treated to MEP (Maximum Extent Practicable). This is still be assessed and could be part of this project, or a separate one depending on available budget.   The proposed reduction of the asphalt in the park results in a substantial decrease in pollutant load being discharged to our lakes.  
Has there been a traffic study done on this area?

Madison Parks staff has had internal discussions with the City of Madison’s Traffic Engineering Division. They did not produce a formal study, as this would incur additional expense and time that would be excessive for this scope of a project and size of the adjoining streets. In their review, they noted that we would need to review the permissions/easements established with Maple Bluff, which we have done with our City Attorney’s Office. They reviewed the area to ensure that the turning movements were acceptable, which they determined are. They suggested restricting an additional parking stall to allow access to the grass for larger trailers. 

Why can't the south park roadway be replaced near the effigy mound?

We received guidance from our Preservation Planner who is considered our in-house expert on Wisconsin State Historical Society rules and regulations. They stated that the work is proposed to be done in a way that will help move the ground-disturbing work away from the archaeological site and further minimize the site presence in relation to the effigy mound. They also noted that we will need Landmarks Commission approval, which can be done administratively. We will need to secure a Request to Disturb from the Office of the State Archaeologist.

Will there be any impacts to the large oak trees in the Park during construction?

The Madison Parks Division makes every effort to preserve healthy trees where possible in our development projects. We will work closely with our arborists to create zones around the drip lines of the trees to limit the amount of heavy equipment that impacts the root zones, though as you note some impact will likely occur based on the proximity of the asphalt to the trees. There is a risk that disturbing this area will impact the trees, but we feel that removing the asphalt will be a net benefit to the park.

What is the cost estimate for this project?

We do not create engineering cost estimates until we have a clear scope of the project.  Scope will be determined after the public engagement is complete.

I heard the City is facing a large operational budget crisis in 2025.  Why are projects like this being proposed?  Can't money be moved around from capital projects to address the shortfall? Won't this increase my taxes?

Capital projects do add to the tax burden on our residents, we are not able to simply move funds between our operating and capital budgets. Reducing the number of capital projects that we implement will ultimately reduce the debt service we have, and that in turn would reduce the total tax amount for property tax payers. While lower debt service reduces the impact on taxpayers, it does not provide more room under the levy limit to fund operations costs as the state has differentiated the calculations between the tax levy for operations versus the tax levy for debt service. Under the state levy limit law, debt service is a separate calculation in the overall formula.  The property tax levy for operations is increased by a “net new construction” factor, and debt service for the upcoming year is added to that amount.  

Project Updates

July 2, 2024 Update

The project survey is now closed and results can be viewed.

June 27, 2024 Update

The PowerPoint slides from the public meeting are available for download in PDF format.

May 31, 2024 Update

Take our project survey!

The following survey will be open from June 1st - July 1st and a summary of the received results will be presented at the public meeting on June 20th.



May 3, 2024 Update

Public Information Meeting

A public informational meeting for this project was held Thursday, June 20th from 5 - 7pm. Due to technical difficulties the meeting was not recorded as planned.  Power point slides from the meeting presentation are posted on the project page as an update.


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