Reindahl (Amund) Park

Address: | 1818 Portage Rd. |
Hours: | 4:00am - 10:00pm |
Park Type: | Community |
Acres: | 90.74 |
Restroom: | Yes |
Drinking Water: | Yes |
Park Details
This park is conveniently located off of East Washington Avenue and easily accessed from the interstate, downtown Madison, and surrounding communities. Reindahl Park features reservable athletic fields, tennis courts, and shelter, ample parking and a splash park. A community garden is located here as well.
Reindahl Master Plan was approved in January 2023.
Cool off during the summer with a visit to the Reindahl splash park! Madison Parks offers three splash parks that are always free to use and open daily, typically Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend: 10:00am to 8:00pm.
To report a mechanical or operating issue: (608) 235-0448
Park Highlights
Imagination Center at Reindahl Park
See Engineering and Madison Public Library to learn more about the Imagination Center at Reindahl Park. View the anticipated project timeline in the October 2023 news release.At this Park
Basketball Court
Madison Parks ranks #1 in the nation for the number of basketball hoops per resident, come check out the hoops in your neighborhood! Most of the basketball courts are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you are planning a new league or tournament RESERVE ONLINE
View all Basketball Courts-
Reindahl (Amund) Park - Basketball Court
Surface: Asphalt
Lighted: No
Number of Courts: 1 full
Cricket Field
The cricket field is programmed with club play. If you would like to reserve a field or facility, please call the Athletic Scheduler at (608)266-4711. Find out more about athletic field reservations.
Fields, open or closed?
If a field reservation is canceled, a notification is emailed to the user who made the field reservation. Notifications are sent by 2:00 pm Monday through Friday and by 9:00 am on weekends and holidays.-
Reindahl Park - Cricket
Bleachers: No
Lighted: No
Setup: Adult
Type: Game
Multipurpose Field
Open or Multipurpose Fields are reservable athletic fields with no game-specific design or limitations. Often used for soccer, ultimate, lacrosse or football, yet open to your imagination. Multipurpose Fields are located throughout the city and may be used on a first-come, first-served basis if not already reserved. RESERVE ONLINE
View all Multipurpose Fields
Specialized fields include soccer, cricket, ball diamonds - baseball or softball and both fenced and non-fenced, may be viewed on the individual pages. See the sidebar on the Athletics webpage.-
Reindahl Park - Soccer North #1
Reindahl Park - Soccer North #2
Reindahl Park - Soccer North #3
Reindahl Park - Soccer North #4
Parking Lot
Parking lots in parks are available for park programs or events during regular park hours: 4:00 am to 10:00 pm.
Parking Rules
- Driving or parking motorized vehicles is not allowed on the grass or near a shelter and is subject to a citation.
- Three-hour limit in all parks, as posted.
- No parking after hours: 10pm to 4am. Overnight parking is not allowed.
- Conservation park hours are 4am until one hour after sunset
- Follow all onsite parking regulation signs.
- Violators are subject to a fine.
The parking lot located on the eastern side of Law Park, commonly known as the Blair Lot, is a metered parking lot, enforced by City of Madison Parking Division between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
View all Parking Lots -
Pickleball Court
Among the nearly 100 tennis courts in Madison, many are dual-stripped for pickleball. Dual-striped courts utilize the tennis net which is about 2" taller than a standard pickleball net. Garner Park offers Madison's only dedicated pickleball courts.
View all Pickleball Courts
While the courts are available for individuals on a first-come, first-served basis, ALL LEAGUES AND LESSONS MUST RESERVE IN ADVANCE. RESERVE ONLINE-
Reindahl (Amund) Park - Pickleball Court
Surface: Asphalt
Lighted: No
Number of Courts: 8
Notes: Tennis/Pickleball Courts (4 north)
With more than 175 playgrounds throughout Madison, you are never too far from a playground. According to the Trust for Public Land, Madison ranks #1 in the nation for the number of playgrounds available. The traditional swings and slides are always an option, as are new play elements and fully accessible playgrounds.
Through the Madison Parks Foundation initiative, Madison Parks offers accessible playgrounds in Brittingham, Elver, Rennebohm and Warner parks. An accessible playground is anticipated in Reindahl Park in the near future.
View all Playgrounds
Madison Parks is responsible for maintaining more than 175 playgrounds and began a system-wide replacement initiative in 2013. With current staff and funding resources, replacements are scheduled to continue through 2033. Playgrounds are routinely inspected to assess the equipment's conditions and repair any safety concerns. Based on the age of the equipment and current conditions, each is given an audit score. The number of playgrounds replaced each year is based on budget allocations, staffing resources, and using the current playground audit score for prioritization.
At the start of the replacement process, notices are sent to the District Alder, neighborhood association representatives, and surrounding residential addresses. Information is also posted to the project website. Generally, two public meetings are held to review surfacing and equipment options and make final selections.
If you have questions about a specific playground or see something broken, please let us know.-
Reindahl (Amund) Park - Playground
Scenic Overlook
Many of the Madison Parks are located in ideal locations for sight seeing. Enjoy the view! View all Scenic Overlooks -
Slacklining and Hammocking
Slacklining or hammocking in a park is allowed following the guidelines below at specific times, on specific trees, and never in a conservation park. Always keep in mind, Park Rangers have the authority to remove or order the removal of any slackline or hammock which they deem as harmful to the tree or as a danger to the safety of park users. The best advice, WHEN IN DOUBT, DON'T.
Dos and Don'ts
Tethering to trees for the purpose of slacklining or hammocking is allowed following these guidelines:- DO: Sunrise to 30 minutes prior to sunset
- DO: Temporary only and may never be left unattended or overnight
- DO: Only on trees greater than 1' in diameter and 4.5'
- DO: Tree protect is used at connection points
- DON'T: Never tether on Oak, Hickory or Birch trees
- DON'T: Never in any conservation park
Proper Tree Protection
Tree protection is required for tethering any equipment to help prevent damage to the tree's bark. Carpet, foam pads or towels make good protection. Make sure the fabric padding completely encircle the tree at the connection points and is a minimum of ΒΌ" thick by 10" wide. For more information and examples, see TREE PROTECTION
Prohibited Trees
Never tether on an oak, hickory or birch tree. When in doubt, don't For more information, see TREE IDENTIFICATION
When in Doubt, Don'tPark Rangers have the authority to remove or order the removal of any slackline or hammock which they deem as harmful to the tree or as a danger to the safety of park users.
View all Slacklining and Hammocking -
Splash Park
Cool off with a visit to a splash park! Madison Parks offers three, always free-to-use splash parks, open daily Memorial weekend through Labor Day: 10:00am to 8:00pm. Each location provides a restroom facility.
Restrooms and To Activate Park Water Features- Cypress: Activation Push Button, portable accessible, restroom onsite
- Elver: Activation Push Button, nearby restrooms at either shelter
- Reindahl: Activation Push Buttons, new accessible restrooms
To report a mechanical or operating issue: (608) 235-0448View all Splash ParksCypress Splash Park -
Reindal Park Splash Park
# of Water Features:
Tennis Court
Madison Parks offers nearly 100 tennis courts, many are dual-stripped for tennis and pickleball. While the courts are available for individuals on a first-come, first-served basis, ALL LEAGUES AND LESSONS MUST RESERVE IN ADVANCE. RESERVE ONLINE
View all Tennis Courts
Practice Wall Locations
Bordner, Brittingham, Elver, Olbrich, Tenney, Waunona and Westmorland
Vilas Park Tennis Courts (as of April 30, 2024)
Due to the deteriorating conditions and safety concerns, the Vilas Park tennis courts are closed.-
Reindahl (Amund) Park - Tennis Court
Surface: Asphalt
Lighted: No
Number of Courts: 8
Notes: Tennis/Pickleball Courts (4 north)