Events on Madison Streets - Neighborhood Block Party
Neighborhood Block Party Permit
Residential Street Closure
A Neighborhood Block Party Permit, which is a type of Street Use Permit, is required for any neighborhood gathering event or activity taking place on residential streets in Madison that meets the following criteria:
- Event is requesting to close no more than 2 blocks.
- Street(s) requested has a speed limit of 25 mph or less.
- Street(s) requested is not located on a Metro bus route.
- Street(s) requested is not located in the Mall/Concourse area.
- Expected event attendance is less than 100 people.
- The majority of people attending are residents or guests of the block(s) to be closed.
- Event cannot be promoted or advertised to the public.
- Event cannot have vending or sales of any kind.
- Event cannot place temporary structures in the street, such as tents, inflatables, stages, or anything that is not easily moveable should emergency vehicles need access through the street.
- Noise must be kept to a minimum. No loud amplified sound is allowed.
If you are requesting anything listed above that is not allowed with the Neighborhood Block Party permit, you may need a Street Use permit instead.
If you are unsure if your event qualifies for a Neighborhood Block Party permit, please contact or 608-264-9289 to inquire.
Completed application, resident petition, and application fee due at least 14 days prior to your block party.
RESIDENT PETITION - all Block Party applications must be submitted with a petition signed by an adult resident/occupant of at least 75% of all residential and/or non-residential units on the street(s) for which closure is requested.
- Online - Click here to complete your reservation. Attach the resident petition to complete the application.
- Paper Application - Fill out the application, email, snail mail, or drop off to the Madison Parks Administration office at 330 E. Lakeside Street, Madison, WI 53715 or email to
- Fees - The application fee for a block party is $50.
Additional Information
- Your approved permit will have information on picking up/returning barricades and No Parking signs.
- Official Type II barricades must be used to close a City of Madison street. The City of Madison offers 8 free barricades for Neighborhood Block Party permits.
Phone 608-264-9289 or email Madison Events.