Community Resources The City’s Community Development Division (CDD) collaborates with non-profit agencies to enhance the quality of life for children, youth, families, and older adults. Crisis Intervention & Prevention CDD funds programs that support persons affected by or at risk of, traumatic events with the goal of enhancing resident safety and stability. Employment Training & Career Development CDD supports employment training and career development for residents. Older Adult Resources CDD supports a range of programs and services that promote healthy aging, both at the Madison Senior Center and through community partners. Youth Programming CDD supports programming that helps prepare school-age children and youth for lifelong success. 需要JavaScript 您必須啟用JavaScript才能使用此表單。請啟用JavaScript並重新加載頁面。如果您無法啟用JavaScript,請聯繫webadmin@cityofmadison.com以提供您的信息。 此頁對您有幫助嗎? 是 否 為什麼或為什麼沒有 Leave this field blank Community Resources Crisis Intervention and Prevention Employment Training & Career Development Older Adult Resources Youth Programming