Request for Proposals

Goods and services and smaller public works construction projects may be let as Request for Proposals (RFPs) or Request for Bids (RFBs).  Examples of solicitations posted here may be for architectural design services, topographic surveys or landscaping.  Public works construction (building, remodeling, concrete work, repairs to buildings) up to $25,000.

RFP currently advertising:

West Towne Path Phase 2B (Zor Shrine Place to Gammon Road)
Due:  August 9, 2024, 4:00 p.m.
RFP Bid package:  West Towne Path Phase 2B (Zor Shrine Place to Gammon Road)
Also available at:
DemandStar: (EN-24-8771)
VendorNet: (EN-24-8771)

Notifications of new RFPs are sent to the Consultant List based on the category(s) of interest for each project.
Consultant List

Request to be added to the Consultant List, by filling out this email form and emailing with the following information:

  • Firm Name
  • Firm Contact
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Email
  • Indicate categories of interest:
    • Archeological
    • Architecture
    • Bridges
    • Building Envelope
    • Commissioning
    • Community Outreach/Public Relations
    • Cost Estimating
    • Drainage
    • Electrical
    • Energy Modeling
    • Environmental
    • Furniture Design
    • Highway
    • Interior Design
    • Landfill
    • Landscaping/Plantings
    • Material
    • Mechanical
    • Owners Representation
    • Plumbing/Fire Projection
    • Project Management
    • Sanitary
    • Stormwater Management
    • Structural
    • Surveying
    • UST
    • Wetland/Floodplain
    • Stormwater Management BMP/Installations Certification
    • Stormwater Management Maintenance Certification
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