All Dane County Landlords Are Section 8 Landlords
Dane County, WI Discrimination Ordinance
Chapter 31 of the Dane County Code of Ordinances prohibits discrimination based receipt of rental or housing assistance: (12a) "Receipt of rental or housing assistance means the receipt of any form of financial contribution from a third party for the purposes of creating or keeping affordable housing for tenants, purchasers, or other potential housing recipients, including but not limited to, assistance provided pursuant to Title 42, United States Code, section 1437f (commonly known as the "Section 8" housing program), the HOME Partnership Program, or the Community Development Block Grant program.
List your Section 8 Vacancy
The Section 8 Office of the Community Development Authority maintains a free monthly listing of available units for its Section 8 clients. Landlords who either have or know that they will have a vacancy may list the apartment for free by submitting this form online or by contacting the Marketing Outreach Coordinator at (608) 267-8701.
Submit Proposed Rent Increases
Please submit your renewal notices to the following email address:
The Owner must not change the rent during the initial lease term. Subsequent requests for rent adjustments must be consistent with the lease between the Owner and the family. Rent increases will not be approved unless any failed items identified by the most recent HQS inspection have been corrected.
After the initial occupancy period, the owner may request a rent adjustment in accordance with the Owner's lease. For rent increase requests after initial lease-up, the CDA may request Owners to provide information about the rents charged for other units on the premises, if the premises includes more than 4 units. In evaluating the proposed rents in comparison to other units on the premises the CDA will consider unit size and length of tenancy in other units.
The Owner must submit the proposed rent adjustment request a minimum of 60 days in advance of the start date of the new proposed lease.
Housing Assistance Payment
- Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract must be signed and returned to CDA with a copy of signed lease within 60 days of start of lease
- No payments can be made until HAP, and signed lease are returned to the office
- Copies of all five and fourteen day eviction notices, must be mailed or faxed to the Section 8 office
- To change address and ownership information, please notify the office right away so there is no delay in receiving your monthly HAP payment
- A Good Place to Live
- PIH-HCV-Landlord-HQS-Initial-Inspection-Flowchart
- PIH-HCV-Landlord-HQS-Biennial-Inspection-Flowchart
Contact Marketing Outreach Coordinator
Phone: (608) 267-8701
Si usted desea hablar en Español con un miembro del personal de la CDA, favor de llamar al 608-266-4868.
Provee su nombre y un numero de teléfono de contacto.
Un miembro del personal de la CDA entonces devolverá su llamada usando un servicio de interpretación telefónica.