Truax Redevelopment
- The presence of vacant land.
- The strong East Madison Community Center which is building a million dollar addition.
- It's adjacent to the Madison Area Technical College.
- It is served by the long-standing Truax Neighborhood Association.
The master planning and site development study for the Truax Park Apartments builds upon the recommendations made by the Community Development Authority of the City of Madison (CDA) Long-Range Planning Sub-Committee to revitalize the Truax Park Apartments into a mixed-income community. The study area is bounded by Anderson Street to the north, Wright Street to the west, Straubel Street to the south, and wooded area to the east. In addition, the Madison Area Technical College (MATC) is adjacent to the site to the north and west. The site is comprised of 147 public housing units on CDA-owned land that is administered by CDA Housing Operations, and includes the East Madison Community Center.
Final Study: Truax Park Apts Master Planning & Site Development Study 2/2008
Truax Phase 1
Truax Phase 2

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