1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

How to Apply

  1. Search for Jobs

    You can enter search terms, or search jobs by date posted, salary, or job title.

    You can also get email updates whenever a new position in your field is posted.

    Search Jobs

  2. Create a NeoGov Account

    Creating an account is simple! You can create an account using an email address, or login via Facebook.

    If you use Internet Explorer, you must be using Version 11.

  3. Fill Out Application

    You will need:

    • Driver’s license information (if applicable)
    • Work history
    • Educational history
    • Additional material may be required depending on the position. Remember to upload any attachments or Supplemental Question responses necessary for the application.

    Check the closing date on the posting! Applications are only accepted for open positions.

    Learn about eligibility requirements for City positions.

    Internet Access

    All applications must be submitted online. Free internet and computer access are available at Madison Public Libraries.


    Reasonable accommodation is available for persons with disabilities. Learn more about accessibility and accommodations during the application process.

  4. Review

    Before sending in your application, review the material to ensure that all information is filled out truthfully and to the best of your ability.

  5. Submit Application

    After you have submitted your application, you will receive an email confirmation. You can also check your NeoGov account for verification that your application was sent successfully.

    Updating an Application

    If you submitted an application but want to add more information or attachments, you can reapply at any time until the closing date. Go back to the job posting, click “Apply,” and log into your NEOGOV account. Find the application materials you submitted. Make edits or add attachments, then submit the application again. We will consider the application that you submit closest to the closing date.

After Applying

After the posted closing date, all applications are screened to ensure applicants meet the minimum qualifications required for the position. Applicants who do not meet the minimum requirements will be notified via email, typically about two weeks after the closing date.

Individuals qualified for the position will be notified of the next steps in the process. All communication will be emailed, so be sure to check your spam folder or safelist emails from NeoGov and Governmentjobs.com.


Many of our positions require a test. These may be written tests, computer tests, or supplemental essay questions.

  • Written tests are usually made up of multiple-choice and true/false questions. Candidates will be given at least 5 days’ notice of the test date. You can reuse test scores for up to 2 years, as long as there is no change to the exam. If you want your score reused, it is your responsibility to inform Human Resources by replying to the email invitation.
  • Computer tests generally take place at the City’s computer lab at The Village on Park. Enter through the Atrium and proceed to the lower level. You can reuse computer scores for up to 2 years, as long as there is no change to the exam. Candidates may not take computer tests remotely.
  • Supplemental essay questions, or cover letters seeking specific information, are also considered a test. Candidates who do not attach the proper documents will be removed from the process. A panel of experts will review and score all responses. You cannot reuse scores for supplemental questions.

Generally, the City of Madison does not allow make-ups if an applicant is unable to make the scheduled test date. We may make exceptions in certain cases, but this is not guaranteed. Contact the HR Analyst who sent your notice for more information.


If you are screened out of a process and you believe you should be included, you can appeal the decision for up to 5 business days from the date of your notice.

Please respond to the email notice with the reasons you think you should be reconsidered, and we will review your application again.

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Need Help?

Problems logging in, resetting your password, or uploading documents:

NeoGov Customer Service
Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 7:00 pm
(855) 524-5627

Questions about the job or process:

Human Resources
Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
(608) 266-4615