Metro March Service Updates
Starting Sunday, March 2, Metro will implement some service changes on the following routes:
- Route 38 (new alternating trips to Monona)
- Route G (new stops in Monona)
- Route L (new stops in Monona)
- Route A (schedule adjustments)
- Route B (schedule adjustments)
- Route F (schedule adjustments)
Plan Your Trip
Updated trip planning data will be available starting on March 2.
Route 38 to Monona
Starting Monday, March 3, Metro's Route 38 will extend into Monona.
Metro's Route 38 will provide weekday trips into Monona from 7am through 7pm serving numerous key locations including:
- Civic Campus (i.e. City Hall, the Community Pool, the Library, Senior Center and Winnequah Park)
- Heritage Senior Living
- Pier 37 Shopping Center
- Monona Grove High School
- Aldo Leopold Nature Center
- Dutch Mill Park & Ride
Other Routes Serving Monona
Existing Metro Routes G and L will also serve new stops along Monona Dr.
Review Maps and Schedules
Plan your trip online using Metro's bus tracker starting on Monday, March 3.
Paratransit service will also be available to those that live within 3/4 miles of new Route 38 bus stops.
For more information, contact the Metro customer service center at (608) 266-4466 or mymetrobus@cityofmadison.com.