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Physical Agility Test

Candidates must be able to meet these standards:

  1. Sit-Up Test: 25 sit-ups in one minute.
  2. Push-Up Test: 15 “perfect protocol” push-ups.
  3. 1.5 Mile Run: Run 1.5 miles in no more than 16 minutes and 57 seconds (16:57).

The standards for each of the tests are as follows. Sit-ups and push-ups will be demonstrated to candidates before the test. Candidates should warm up before the test according to their own warm up routines.

If you would like information on preparing for the Physical Agility Test, email

Sit-Up Test

The sit-up test measures abdominal strength. Candidates must complete 25 sit-ups in one minute.

  • The positioning for the sit-up test is as follows:
    • To start the test you will be lying on the ground with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and hands interlaced and held behind the head.
    • The neck should remain in a neutral position without pulling or yanking on the head with the hands.
    • Your feet will be secured.
    • The up position is obtained when the elbows touch the knees.
    • The down position is obtained when the shoulder blades touch the floor.
  • During the test if it is necessary to rest, you may only rest in the up position while maintaining the hands behind the head.
  • A correct sit-up will be counted each time the up position is met while maintaining proper form. Incorrect sit-ups will not be counted.

It at any time the form described above is broken by raising the buttocks, unlocking the hands, not going all the way up, pulling on the head or any other item outside of the form described previously, the incorrect sit-up will not be counted.

Push-Up Test

The Push-up test is used to measure muscular endurance of the upper body, specifically the anterior deltoid, pectoralis major and triceps.

  • The test administrator will count the number of correct push-ups completed.
  • The positioning for the full push-up test is as follows:
    • Prior to beginning the test, you will lie on the ground face down, feet together, hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart and fingers pointed forward.
    • The body will form a straight line from the ankles, through the knees, hips, back and shoulders to the head.
    • To start the test you will be in the up planked position where the body forms a straight line from the head to the ankles with the head in a natural position, arms at soft extension and feet together or slightly apart.
    • A test administrator will verify the down position has been obtained.
  • During the test if it is necessary to rest, you may only rest in the up position while maintaining the up planked position where the body forms a straight line from the head to the ankles with the head in a neutral position, arms at soft extension and feet together.
  • A correct push-up will be counted each time the planked body is lowered from the up position to the down position, and returns to the up position with the arms at soft extension while maintaining proper form.
  • If at any time the form described above is broken by raising or piking the buttocks, sagging the mid-section of the body, arching the back, lifting a hand or foot, not going all the way down or up, lifting the neck or any other item outside of the form described previously the incorrect pus ups will not be counted.

1.5 Mile Run Test

The 1.5 mile run test provides an estimate of cardio respiratory fitness level.

  • Candidates must complete the 1.5 mile run in less than 16 minutes and 57 seconds (16:57).
  • To start the test you will gather at the start line. At the signal, begin to run as fast as possible until you complete the course or the correct number of laps. For large numbers of candidates the stop watch begins when the last runner crosses the start line.
  • As you cross the finish line, your time will be recorded in minutes and seconds.
  • If at any time participants run astray of the described course or utilize any external assistance or participate in procedures not listed, the test will be terminated and results will not be recorded. If you feel any distress during or after the test, inform a test administrator and do not continue the test.

Recruitment Questions

Personnel & Training Office
(608) 261-9856

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