Service from University Row to Jenifer and Ingersoll via Univerity Row, Whitney, Sheboygan, Segoe, University, Highland, Observatory, Babcock, Linden, Charter, University and Johnson, Broom and Bassett, Wilson and Doty, Wilson, Williamson, and Jenifer Street.
Route 38 (Westbound)
- Starts westbound on Jenifer just after Baldwin
- Left on Williamson
- To Wilson
- Right on Henry
- Left on Doty
- Right on Broom
- Left on Gorham
- To University
- Right on Charter
- Left on Linden
- Right on Babcock
- Left on Observatory
- Roundabout, 2nd right continues on Observatory
- Roundabout, 2nd right on Highland
- To University Bay
- Right on University Ave
- Left on Segoe
- Right on Sheboygan
- Right on Whitney
- Left on University
- Right on University Row
- Ends westbound on University Row at the UW Health Digestive Center.
Route 38 (Eastbound)
- Begins eastbound University Row at the UW Health Digestive Center
- Right on Whitney
- Left on Sheboygan Ave.
- Left on Segoe
- Right on University Ave.
- Left on University Bay Drive
- To Highland
- Roundabout, 2nd right on Observatory
- Right on Babcock
- Left on Linden
- Right on Charter
- Left on W Johnson
- Right on Bassett
- Left to W Wilson
- Left on S Hamilton
- Right on Doty
- Right on King
- Soft Left to E Wilson
- To Williamson
- Right on Jenifer
- Ends eastbound on Jenifer at Ingersoll