Children Fire Safety Presentations

All staff members of the Community Education Unit are available upon request to give children fire safety presentations. Although the majority of requests come from preschools, kindergartens, grades 1-3, Scout Troops, and other children organizations, fire safety presentations can be given to kids of any age and will be tailored for the specific audience and age group. Depending on the group of children, topics might include:
  • Stop, Drop, and Roll
  • Crawl Low Under Smoke
  • Matches and Lighter Safety
  • Adult Tools vs. Children Toys
  • Smoke Detectors
  • What is an Emergency?
  • Dial 9-1-1 & Emergency Information
  • Escape Plans & Exit Drills
  • Firefighters Are Your Friends
  • Firefighter Gear
  • Hazard House

To schedule a fire safety presentation for your classroom or organization, call our Community Education office at 608-266-4709.
