About Alder Barbara Harrington McKinney

Alder Barbara Harrington-McKinney was elected to the Madison Common Council in April 2015 as the District 1 Alder and one of the two first African American women elected to the Common Council.  She was elected again in April 2017 to a second term, in April 2019 to a third term, and in April 2021 to a fourth term as Alder for District 1.

Alder Harrington-McKinney moved to Madison from St. Louis, Missouri in 2005 to support her son, NBC News Anchor Mike McKinney.


  • University of Missouri-St. Louis. BS, Special Education
  • University of Southern Illinois-Edwardsville. MS, Urban Planning & Public Policy Analysis
  • Fontbonne University-St. Louis. MBA


  • Assistant Teaching Instructor, Operation Fresh Start
  • Coordinator, Community Restorative Justice Court, Dane County Timebank
  • Associate Director, Madison Urban Ministry
  • Adjunct Instructor, Edgewood College Course - Community Building: Introduction to Restorative Justice
  • Volunteer: Prison Ministry: Circle Facilitator: Family Matters
  • Diversity Outreach Coordinator: Alzheimer's & Dementia Alliance of Wisconsin

Alder Harrington-McKinney hopes for the future of Madison is to be a city where all residents have equal access and opportunity to live in a community that fosters economic prosperity, growth, vitality and sustainability.  For District 1 residents, her goals are to support the growth and development of the Madison West Neighborhood Association, as well as supporting opportunities for economic growth, business and entrepreneurial development, youth and adult employment services.  She will focus on identifying   indicators of neighborhood vitality and opportunities for residents to work together to define common priorities and setting future goals. 

2021-2023 Goals

  1. Public safety within our neighborhoods and our City, supporting strong community policing strategies and, as a priority, rebuilding trust within all communities, with an emphasis on repairing fractures within communities of color. Public safety planning that works within our vision for the Madison we choose to grow into. 
  2. Employment opportunities, challenging systemic racism, strengthening our city functionality following the pandemic, more accountability within our social safety networks, supporting business growth and development, housing stock, and transportation access so that every person in our City has the opportunity should they choose to reach their full potential within a sustainable, priority-based budget. 
  3. Policy, procedures, and systems that work for Madison, challenging political gerrymandering within our city and aldermanic districts, and building collaborations that support civility and workability within the Council.
  4. District 1-specific flood mitigation and watershed studies, development planning, and zoning. 
  5. Supporting creation of the Elver Park Community Center. This item was placed on the Mayor's 2020 Horizon List. Formation of Elver Park Community Center Planning Group is now taking place.
Alder Barbara Harrington-McKinney

Barbara Harrington-McKinney市議員

District 20



1209 Dayflower Dr
Madison, WI 53719

電話: 608-228-8683
