Hearing on the Merits

  1. Pre-Hearing Conference

    If Conciliation fails you will receive a letter in the mail telling you the date, time, and place for your Pre-Hearing Conference. For a detailed outline of the process visit Pre-Hearing Conference.

    Discovery Process Preparing Witnesses

  2. Opening Statements

    At the beginning, each party has the opportunity to lay out a roadmap of what it will be trying to prove during the Hearing. This is a good chance for you, the Complainant, to make a clear statement of what has occurred and your position.

  3. Witness Testimony

    After the opening statements are heard, each party may present its witness. It is important that you prepare your witnesses before they speak at the Hearing. Run through the questions that you will ask them, and listen closely to their responses. For more information on how to prepare your witness visit Preparing Witnesses.

  4. Introduction of Exhibits

    The Hearing Examiner will set a deadline for the last possible time both parties may add exhibits. Exhibits are any documents or other physical evidence that you want the Hearing Examiner to consider when making their decision.

  5. The Decision

    When everyone has presented their witness and discussed any exhibits, the Hearing will end. At this time the Hearing Examiner offers both the Complainant and the Respondent the chance to submit a "brief" (written document) to them that further argues their side. After receiving the briefs, the Hearing Examiner will consider the testimony of witnesses, exhibits and other evidence. Based on these things the Hearing Examiner will make a recommended decision.

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