My District

Cool Places in District 13

  • The boardwalk through the cattails behind Edgewood College.
  • The little part of Vilas Park where Erin St and Wingra St meet.  When the trees are bare, there's a spectacular view of Lake Wingra.  It must be the reason so many Indian mounds are there.
  • Springs in the Arboretum along Monroe St.
  • Henry Vilas Zoo
  • Forest Hill Cemetery
  • O'Sheridan St, where the Capitol seems to get smaller as you move closer to it.
  • Goodman Pool
  • Olin Turville Parks – lots of nice walking trails in Turville Park – map of the trails and information on the amazing history of the site (the Turvilles came over from England and used to grow vegetables and flowers to sell downtown, Olin was once a Water Cure) available on the FOOT (Friends of Olin Turville Parks) website,
  • I'm just starting this.  Please send other Cool Places to

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Alder Tag Evers

Concejal Tag Evers

District 13
Comuníquese con el Concejal Evers

Comuníquese con el Concejal Evers

Comuníquese con el Concejal Evers

Dirección de correo postal
2329 Keyes Ave
Madison, WI 53711

Teléfono: 608-424-2580