Good Neighbor Project
The Good Neighbor Project is the Madison Police Department's community safety program.
When we take the time to get to know our neighbors, we feel a stronger sense of community. It's comforting to know we have neighbors who are looking out for us and will help us. The police officers who live and work in our neighborhoods also care about our safety and well-being. When we get to know our neighborhood officers and work together with them to solve problems, we create an even larger social support network where everyone feels surrounded by people who care.

November 5, 2019 11:59 AM
Would you like to make your home and neighborhood less tempting to thieves? Then join us for a special Home Safety Night at American Family DreamBank on Tuesday, November 19th! You’ll get safety and crime-prevention tips, ideas and resources, and you’ll learn about some low-cost and smart …
July 11, 2019 3:00 PM
Want to learn how to make your home and personal property less tempting to thieves? Then join us for the next Good Neighbor Night! Learn more about the most common types of property crimes that occur in Madison Discover tips and low-cost ways you can deter thieves when you're asleep …
February 21, 2019 2:36 PM
These days it's easy to do just about everything from behind a screen. We shop online, text and chat with friends and neighbors on apps or on social media, and now we can even use our smartphones to talk to someone at our front door! While all of this technology can be very useful and even …